Program Overview & Prices 2020*
Inner Medicine Way part 1:
10 — 13 September: 750 €
Inner Medicine Way part 2:
26 — 29 November: 750 €
WildTantra Intro 23 and 24 Nov: 100 €
2 years process for singles & lovers
WildTantra Path of Awakening is a journey from pleasure to bliss, from ignorance to understanding, from illusion to awakening! In this vibrant alive process Tantra is exploring an ultimate path of awakening where everything in you is used, transformed to fuel your body, your heart and your being with the highest quality of life force, of love and of consciousness.
The Steps of WildTantra Path of Awakening:
– Juicing up the body with its full potential of orgasmic energy
– Lighting up the heart with the fire of devotion
– Seducing the mind to crack its shell of ignorance to expand into unlimited consciousness
– Waking up lovingly the fearful sleepy-self to dissolve into the unknown
WildTantra Path of Awakening is equally open for singles and lovers. It is set up as 2-year process in which each retreat builds upon the previous one. For the second year retreats, participation to some of the first year retreats is compulsory, as it will ease your process. For upgrading your life to a high level of love and consciousness, we invite you to jump into the whole process as it deepens your transformation with every step.
is equally open for singles and lovers. It is set up as a 2-year process in which each retreat builds upon the previous one. For the second year retreats, participation in the first year retreats is required, as it will ease your process. For upgrading your life to a high level of love and consciousness, we invite you to jump into the whole process as it deepens your transformation with every step.
For WildTantra Path of Awakening
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96
For Introduction day
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96
What do you mean by Lovers?
By lovers we mean a man and a woman who love each other. It doesn’t mean you are living together or that you are married. It simply means that you are committed to grow in love together. You are very much welcomed to follow the whole training with your lover, wife, husband, meditation partner… We will support you to open up your relationship, marriage to a new dimension of relating and expansion into love and consciousness…
What do you mean Meditation Partner?
A Meditation Partner is someone with whom you are involved in a process of meditation, which might or might not involve lovemaking. It is a partner you are not specifically living together with or engaged with in relationship. You may meet only at specific moments for meditation.
What are the Advanced retreats?
It means the intensity of the process shared in these retreats requires that you have experience with tantric meditation and that preferably you have followed the first year of WildTantra Path of Awakening. In this retreat, you need to easily contain and circulate your energy and be able to watch your mind and emotions without it creating tension in you.
I am homosexual, can I participate in your retreats?
Yes, you are warmly welcome under the condition you are willing to practice some meditations with the gender opposite of you.
I am pregnant, can I participate in your retreats?
The retreats we offer demands a lot on a body and emotional level. We feel a pregnant woman is not for this type of “shaking up”.. The system of a pregnant woman is very precious and a 9 month tantric retreat in itself! We can recommend you some meditations and offer you some guidance about it, but we prefer not to welcome you in our retreats. You’re much welcome to join us a few months after giving birth.
I am under medication or have some health issues or some psychological issues,
can I participate in your retreats?
Your physical and psychological conditions should be good and healthy in order to follow our training. If you take medication, we need to know what it is and for what. Depending the type of medication, we might refuse you in our retreat because we have observed that our intensive energy works are not compatible with some medications. Before being fully accepted in our retreat, we ask you to fill out a registration form with questions about your physical and psychological health. If we judge your conditions will not match with the work we offer in our retreats we will not take you in. We will give you some suggestions of what you can do as a preparation to our retreats or redirect you to some different type of work more suitable to your condition.
Are some preparations needed prior attending the retreats?
During the retreats from the Path of Awakening you are put on a vegan diet without sugar and coffee. This might be creating a detox process in your body during the retreat. To avoid it becoming too intense for your body, we recommend you to prepare for it a few days before the start of the retreat.
This day is meant for people who wish to join the WildTantra year training “Path of Awakening” or are simply interested to get to know us before deciding to join. It offers you the opportunity to experience some of our methods and feel if this Path is for you. It is as much for you to get to know us than for us to get to know you as we want to be able to inform you that you are “fit” to enroll for our intensive retreats.
Here are some topics we explore:
— Understanding the WildTantra approach.
— Experience some of our methods.
— Get to know us and us to know you.
— Get the approval from Pema to join the year training
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This retreat guides you into rediscovering your potential of living life fully from the body, bypassing the protection mechanism of the mind that builds up bodily tension and a lack of love, as well as a sense of separation. The process restores your direct connection with life by awakening and exploring the life forces and the sexual flow in the body. It disarms the pelvis and sex from tensions and breaks breathing patterns with the aim to return to a natural breathing that bridges the body sensations with the heart. This process returns the spontaneity, vitality, and sensuality to the life energy and it restores the body’s ability for pleasure and sacred touch.
During the retreat we give you the space, situations and methods to trust your body-heart connection to unite with ‘God’ – with deep pleasure and sensuality without the restrictive belief that love is pure and the body not. We offer you a ‘bed’ where love and the body can unit freely, blissfully, in order for you to come back into your pure state of sensual innocence.
The main areas of exploration:
– Unfolding your natural orgasmic body state
– Letting go of fear restricting deep pleasure
– Reviving the Sacred within
– Opening to orgasmic breathing
– Understanding mind-heart-body function
– Opening up your life to nourishing bodily relationships with yourself and others
What Pema shares about this retreat:
“We tend to live interpreting life from the mind. In this way we bypass the direct experience of life in the body. We don’t know anymore what an apple tastes like or what a kiss tastes like, because the experience is first lived in the mind. There our experiences are tainted with judgment: Good or bad, like and dislike, but never with wonder, unity. The ego is very much nourished; strengthen by this mind game while the body and the heart slowly die from desolation, abandon. It has a tremendous impact on how we relate with our body and the bodies of others. It creates a sense of separation that crystalizes into tension, numbness, and excitement too while it covers the heart with emotions such as anger, frustration, depression… In the long run, diseases of all kind appear without us understanding why.
The separation we suffer from leads us to make choices and decisions about our life, our relationships, and our work, which are totally out of touch with life, existence, love and consciousness. To come back to unity, to the marriage with existence within us, the body has to be explored as a temple by using the senses, the breath and sex as a doorway to the divine within and without. It allows the body to become a vehicle for the heart and no longer the slave of the mind. By linking ourselves to the heart and body, we can manifest love and creativity, transforming negativity, destructive behaviour that impede a re-union with life.
In the process we awaken the desire force, pleasure, and orgasm from the deep understanding that these are instruments of unity and not of separation. When these bodily instruments of oneness are awoken lovingly, consciously, they create a sacred inner ‘music’ -a harmony and bliss within us that allows us to embody a deep reverence for life. Making love, eating, dancing, resting, working… no matter which activity we perform, it then becomes a prayer uniting us with the depths of life…”
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Booking for 2021 opens the 1st of August
The process unfolds and offers understanding on the dynamic of sex, of man and woman relations by exploring the depth of orgasms as a source of energy which do not belong to female or male, but more to our capacity of giving/receiving and our quality of taping into bliss. To come to this point, we take time to heal our genitals, our emotional body from all kinds of misguiding, trauma, believes, social and religious conditionings. We give you tools to regain the full function of your sex in order to use it for a deeper fulfilling sexual encounter, but most of all to use it as an instrument for encountering the divine within you. In this way, we gain trust in letting go into deep pleasure and surrendering into something bigger than ourselves. We develop a supportive, loving and sacred environment where everyone can feel safe to open up to the intimate play of orgasm in the body.
Within this retreat women and men are separated for 3 days before coming back together for specific practices. It allows them to explore different issues, topics, qualities belonging to the uniqueness of their gender.
The main areas of exploration for this retreat:
– Stepping out of immature female and male attitudes
– Connecting to nurturing feminine and male forces
– Learning about male and female sexual energy and body
– Regaining your full capacity for orgasm if you lost it or if you can’t find it.
– Expanding the orgasm you already have to deeper fulfilments.
– Healing your genital from past trauma, misused, misunderstanding.
– Letting go of destructive associations with sex.
– Lifting up the ego centred relation between man and woman to a relation at the service of love and consciousness.
– Destroying within you the social conditions of what it is to be a man and a woman.
What Pema shares about this retreat:
“Even though we yearn for orgasm, we are afraid of it at the same time. We carry a dilemma brought about by education, and social or religious conditioning: ‘Sex is dirty, bad, wrong, evil… It is God´s gift, but only to make children… If you enjoy sex you are a whore…’ You might think at first that you aren’t affected by these kind of beliefs, but they are playing in the background and constantly limiting your bliss. Sex and the Divine have been taboo for millennia. This has become a disease in humanity. We need healing, love and understanding to restore the natural possibility of rejoicing with the divine through sex. While diving into this healing dimension another aspect is naturally brought into the light: our identity as man and woman which is based on social rules and conditioning. Being a man is not about being strong, powerful, competitive, dominant, and being a woman is not about being fragile, emotional, needy, manipulative. The identification to these clichés are creating very immature men and women, whom thus relate with each other on the level of wanting, needing, domination, submission… Tantra proposes a totally different approach of relating, which is based on sharing and support. It generates a new quality of men and women who love, respect deeply and support the awakening of each other. In this retreat, we like to give birth to such men and woman!…
What is orgasm?
While orgasm is triggered in the body it opens a space beyond the body, linked to the heart and consciousness. The energy of orgasm first rushes in the body, flooding our senses with pleasure. Then it opens a door to the beyond. This happens in a split second, a small moment that we miss most of the time, because of a lack of awareness. This moment is very precious. It shows us where we come from. It is a moment ‘back home’ in which everything is aligned within us: sex, heart and consciousness. If we catch hold of it, it is the greatest orgasm existence can offer us…”
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The retreat is devoted to root you into bliss by activating, harmonizing the kundalini energy within you. It refines your sensitivity from pleasure sensations to blissful state by expanding the sexual flow through your whole body and by letting go into energetic orgasm. The consequences of the bliss, kundalini opening in you are not only sexually rewarding, they are life changing as they centre you into a space of non-duality where your encounters with others and life can become a source to the experience of oneness.
The main areas of exploration:
– Awakening Kundalini flow
– Circulating and containing sexual energy
– Opening to energetic orgasms
– Supporting positive qualities
– Surrendering to the Goddess force
– Shifting to the non-dual dimension
– Connecting sexual energy in various channels in your body
– Transmuting pleasure into bliss
– Letting go of addiction to sex and whatever pulls out of bliss
– Understanding and dropping addiction
What is Kundalini?
Tantra has discovered a pathway in the body, which is mainly connected to the spine and which is called Kunda. When the life force flows through it, it is named Kundalini. This precious path way unites us between earth and sky, matter and spirit, body and no-body. When the Kundalini stays at the level of the sexual organs and sexual activity, it carries a certain vibration. The more it is elevated in the Kunda channel, the more our inner vibration changes. The happy vibration of sex becomes a vibration of joy in the heart. When it moves up to the crown, the vibration is of bliss. Then sex feels like a divine experience. Sex, love, consciousness are integrated in the same action. This is a very powerful process that transforms our way of life totally. Once you taste the joy of love embracing the body, life takes a different direction…
However, Kundalini flow does not only create new sexual experiences. It embraces much more than that. It activates our capacity for unity with everything in life. Kundalini supports us in being in this embrace all the time, not just during sexual intercourse. It shifts the experience of unity to everything around – the trees, flowers, the moon, the sky full of stars…
At the same time it creates a lot of changes on the body level. The vibration of our cells, brain, organs, and blood flow is activated to a new level of light. It nourishes and rejuvenates our entire organism since it awakens the capacity of our body to live life fully!
What are the expressions and qualities of Kundalini?
Kundalini carries the quality of unity. In expression it can be very silent, motionless, as much as very expressive. It will all depend on what the Kundalini encounters on its way through you! If there is fear, you can be sure that fear will be actively expressed. If there is happiness, it will come shining through equally. It is important to understand that Kundalini is exposing everything hidden inside us, fear as much as joy. Since Kundalini is a non-dual energy that always looks for uniting. If there is something in the way of unity, it will be exposed so that it can be dropped or transformed. This is the powerful beauty of Kundalini: It is a healing, transformative force, which awakens us to unity. It calls us back to our state of oneness.
What Pema says about this retreat?
“There is a simple fact that we live at the minimum of our capacity of bliss. We live in pleasure, which is already beautiful, but not blissful. With our thirst for pleasure we create addiction to what awakens the pleasure. Addiction to food, to drink, to emotion, to sex… We are somehow totally sick, but we call this our normal state. This state is also very much promoted in our society, which considers it as normal, social, familial, civilized, while actually it maintains us in a dimension of tension, fear, need, violence, domination, manipulation and most of all addiction. We have become slaves of pleasurable tensions. We run after ice cream, French fries, good wine, good joints, good sex… but then what? Are you satisfied? Does it elevate you into silence, into harmony, into unity?… No. The answer is no, if you are honest of course.
So what goes wrong in that story, because in fact there is nothing wrong with pleasure. It is definitely important to move in it… But how do we move in it? This is the art, the key Tantra can offer us and this is what we explore within this retreat!”
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In this retreat you are invited to refine lovemaking to the Arya Tantra, which unites the force of desire to the devotional alchemy of the heart by worshipping the sexual energy as doorway to the inner secrets of creation. The process creates a drastic change of your sexual life by shifting you from ego-centered sexuality into conscious, blissful, nourishing sexuality where intimate meeting becomes a source of awakening and a source of the creating force.
The main areas of exploration:
– Refining intercourse to the Arya Tantra
– Opening to the Arya Yoga of Creation
– Entering the Great Desire
– Building up Clear Intention in lovemaking
– Awakening the qualities of devotion/worship
– Stabilizing yourself into bliss
– Being in touch with the Divine creation within you
– Trust in your capacity to embrace and create a life supporting you
Important Information: Do you have to move into penetration during the retreat?
This retreat is devoted to lovemaking, which doesn’t mean you will have to move into penetration. This is very important for you to understand this. You stay totally free with this! We share with you an amazing method of lovemaking. While learning the method you are free to move in penetration or not. You will not be pushed into it! Whatever is your choice we can guarantee the total benefit of the method.
What Pema says about this retreat?
“There are a few aspects in the way of lovemaking from the Arya Tantra.
The first one consists in realizing that all the postures we take in sexual intercourse are creating patterns of energy within us and our partner. During the Ritual you use these patterns of energy with a clear intention of love in order to uplift your lovemaking into a high frequency of bliss.
The second aspect is about the biological aspect of the energy we generate during intercourse. This energy if not used for the creation of a child, can be used for another type of creation. In the Ritual, you combine the patterns of energy mentioned above with the biological force of creation to generate inner and outer forms of creation. It is a mysterious process shifting love intercourse into a totally new dimension where every union with a partner actualizes the potential of Divine forces of creation within the body, the heart and the sexual energy.
One more aspect is about Desire which is one of the powerful energy fuelling the Arya Yoga of Creation. There is a deep understanding about desire, which is whatever we desire we want to be one with. It means desire is also a key for oneness. In the Ritual, we tap into desire totally, as to come to a point of unity where we become desireless at the peak of desire. It is a powerful transformation bringing about blissful experiences beyond words.”
Arya Wisdom of the Yoga of Creation:
“My dear lovers, I did mention to you that many things can be created out of the Yoga of Creation- recipe. Actually everything is created out of it. Created and also de-created or better to say transformed. What is happening within your body when you move into the Yoga of Creation is the same happening in this big universe around us. The play of creation in the universe is the same as in your body. You do not need to go looking at the stars to figure out how they have been born. Go looking down into your body and you will know because they are unfolding there too. In your body, you can see the whole creation of existence. Stars, plants, animals… all are born in your body and you are also born in all of them. The play of creation is the same for everyone and everything, even though forms coming out of it differ. If you are stuck looking at the forms, you might think that creation is different for every thing and for everyone, but it is not. It all comes out of the same Yoga, of the same dance, of the same force of desire. The Great Desire is the chef cook in this big kitchen of the universe! In the Yoga of Creation you need to rely on the Great Desire. It is the force moving your body towards each other. It is the force fuelling your energy and giving the spark for its actions. Now, consciously or unconsciously you can participate in it. And it is consciously you need to move into it in order for its hidden mystery to be revealed to you. Unconsciously you will only see the by-product of creation, such as the fruits on the trees, the blossoming flowers on the plants, the baby from the womb of the woman, but you will not be taken by its Beauty, its Truth…” Extract from the book Tantra, The Hidden Mysteries from Pema Gitama
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This retreat supports you to break free from the cage of cultural social conditioning, ideas, and programming of what reality truly is. The process redirects the life energy involved in the down pulling forces of sex, of emotion, of intellect to the up-lifting forces of intuition, of love, of consciousness, of space, of emptiness, of silence. We open up the narrow energy passage between the known world and the unknown. Love finally appears in its true shape. It is no more the love we know from emotion, from mind or from body sensations. It is a love uplifting us into fresh intuitive understanding of reality where we finally become truly intelligent, authentic, sincere.
There is a saying describing what happens in the Inner Sky: “The roots of the tree are in the sky and the branches in the earth”. The Inner Sky shows a world which might feel like totally upside down compared to the reality we know. I feel this quote is the best way to describe the process of this retreat!
The main areas of exploration:
— Entering the Inner Sky
— Transmuting sex into bliss
— Awakening the Circle of Light
— Surrender sex to love and consciousness
— Breaking through from the sense of separation
— Shifting the magnetic dynamic of our energy field
— Listening, understanding silent communication
Note from Pema: “I have a little warning for the ones of you reading this text and thinking it all way too poetic, not pragmatic, too much in the air. Yes, it is true! It is exactly what happens once you reach the Inner Sky. Language suddenly speaks in pictures, in symbols, in music, in paintings because the perception of reality from the Inner Sky is very artistic, musical, silent too. A rose is no more just a rose, it is suddenly a living behind sharing its life with you. In the Inner Sky communication finally starts to expand beyond humans. We can understand every living thing around us. It is difficult to put in down to earth words a dimension of air, of space. This is why all the Mystics who have taken their flight into the Inner Sky always communicate with poetry. This seems like the closest way to transfer what happens in the Inner Sky…”
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Through devotion, prayer, sacred rituals and dances, this retreat awakes your capacity of weaving the tread of your life consciously and creatively. The process offers great emphasis on the power of language, intention and on taking responsibility to collaborate with the intuitive intelligence of your heart. As well as with the resources of abundance and harmony surrounding us permanently. The retreat is a journey unveiling the Weaver; the one manifesting creation, beauty and love at the service of the whole. It shatters self-centred attitudes, destructive patterns to wake up the celebrative power of participation and of communion with Mystery.
The main areas of exploration:
— The power of language, words
— The Line of light
— Learning to respond instead of reacting
— Collaborating, participating with Mystery
— Weaving good thoughts, emotions
— Dissolving inner destructive structures
— Celebrating the unique chance of being alive
— Entering the Heart of All
Some words from Pema:
“…This whole existence doesn’t make sense as long as you don’t surrender to love. You can try to make sense of this or that. You can try to make sense of why you are here. It might satisfy you for some time, but very soon you will realize it doesn’t make sense. It is perfect where you are. You have tried looking here, looking there and it doesn’t make sense. This is good. It is very good! Just go on. Keep on looking. Keep on trying to make sense of your whole existence. And one day, you will have only one possibility left: you fall on the floor totally exhausted, but so happy! So tremendously happy! Love is embracing you. You are embracing love. There is nowhere to go. There is no sense to make out of this existence. You simply know. You can’t explain it. You can’t speak about it, but you know. This is the moment when you surrender to love…”
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This retreat guides you into the Initiation Space of the Noor Ritual during which the power of sacred sounds, words, symbols, and plants supports you into resolving the inner illusion of death, of everything that separates you from encountering life directly. It puts you face to face with your lies as much as with your truth. It awakens the one in you who sees through everything that blinds you and who can take clear decisions on how to manifest your life purpose.
The main areas of exploration:
– Dissolving inner illusions
– Activating third eye potential
– Activating healing forces
– Noor Ritual
– Power of sacred sounds, words and plants
– Protecting your own energy field from negative input
What Pema says about this retreat?
“In our inner growth process we all face at some point limitations, resistances making us feel totally stuck and no matter what you do to pass through it, it seems like nothing works. There is a subtle mechanism in us, which hides our most essential inner blockages. Tantra is very concerned by this inner situation and it has created many methods taping in our resource of healing, of intuitive clarity for us to see, to understand and to remove our blockages which most of the time are impure resolved past situations. The methods use sacred sounds, words, plants in order to reconnect us with “the One that sees” and that heals too. Might it be a force within us or outside of us, the methods named often by misunderstanding magical or even black magic do bring about in us purity and deep transformation. It clears us up from illusions and detaches us from restrictive karmic links. It is very enriching to learn those mysterious methods because they open a dimension in us that makes us free from our own negativity, which is to me the only source of duality we carry and do not want to face clearly. We most of the time project it outside of us on people or situations. Moving in the esoteric tantric world, you learn to see very sharply what you do with your energy, how tricky you can be and how deeply you believe in negative patterns that only suck your life down to misery. The esoteric world in Tantra is not about creating all kind of superficial magic, it is about creating the real magic: waking up to reality by purifying the One that sees the full picture of existence. It is about the removal of all the dust of illusions in front of your eyes, of your heart in order to meet existence in its full splendor… I recommend every tantrica on the path to unleash the inner esoteric power in them if they really want to heal, to clean, to see, to really SEE!…”
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WildTantra Path for Women
Star Awakening stands for healing and activating the orgasmic potential of woman’s body, energy and for reconnecting women to their wisdom and power of creation. A female’s body could be compared to a mysterious dark night full of shining stars. Each star is a pleasure point which realizes a tremendous amount of light within her energy channels and her body. This light is pure life force rejuvenating the woman’s body and uplifting her energy to higher levels of orgasm, love, consciousness, intuitive wisdom, and creativity… When a star is triggered with caress, kisses, strokes, energy, and love, it vibrates with pleasure. This pleasure has a range of expansion that goes from soft to intense orgasm, to joy, to ecstasy, to bliss! And it doesn’t even stop there! When all the stars (they are many!) vibrate together, a woman reaches a climax of awakening where she resources herself in a dimension beyond form and time gaining deep insights on many aspects of life. Her sexuality becomes a physically fulfilling experience as much as a awakening experience. She becomes a pool of clarity and vibrant pleasure, which benefits both her and her partner.
Star Awakening offers retreats based on all the layers of orgasm in woman. Every retreat opens up different aspects of her body ‘star map’ for her to expand in her capacity of pleasure, awareness and love.
What Pema says about Star Awakening:
“This world is based mostly on male authority and has come to a point where female clarity and intuition are very much needed. To me, it is important that all women wake up their full orgasmic power, because this can create a major shift of awareness in them and in men too. As long as this female power is suppressed, it will not only keep women weak, but it will also keep men starving for love, for softness, thus keeping them aggressive and competitive. It is time for women to take responsibility to be authentically orgasmic in order to bring harmony in themselves and in the world.”
This retreat explore the three levels of expansion a woman can build up in her energy such as Joy, Ecstasy, Bliss..
Joy is a vibrant euphoric state of aliveness happening while surrendering to sensations of pleasure coming from sex, from any body part, from the senses. The surrender provokes orgasm spreading intense energy through the whole body which uplifts and rejuvenates it with life force and thus increases the level of happiness to bright joy.
Ecstasy happens when sexual pleasures blend with love. The orgasmic sensations in the sex center and body rise to the heart where they explode into orgasm flooding the body and the being with deep waves of love.
Bliss occurs when sexual pleasures are uplifted to the third eye and above. It provokes orgasm that opens up the realms of consciousness where an expanded state of peace, of silence, of unity is experienced.
For your Joy, Ecstasy and Bliss to open up fully, this retreat explores different areas such as:
— Star Orgasm Massage
— G-Spot & Clitoral Orgasm
— Breast and Sex Re-connection
— Womb Yoga with Yoni Egg
— Surrender into Pleasure
— Freeing the genitals from physical and emotional tensions as well as misconceptions
— Receiving and Giving energy flow
— Activating the Sexual-Sensual Sensors
— Moon Cycle Methods: Red Blood & White Blood
— Connecting the Womb to the Heart
— Awakening Kundalini Flow
— Energy Orgasm (heart)
— Letting go of the Prince Charming Dream to Embrace the Real Man
— Guiding a Man into Lovemaking
— Prayer and Devotion Dimension
— Connecting the Womb to the Third eye
— Cervix Orgasm
— Energy Orgasm (third eye)
— Moving from sexual pleasure to deep blissful fulfillment
— Awakening Intuitive Wisdom
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When a woman reconnects with the Flame of Creation within her womb and allows it to brighten her body, heart and spirit, she accesses the ‘vertical dimension’. This pathway supports her to channel the energy of her Medicine of Truth at the service of first her own Healing, her sexual pleasure and of her Awakening. The Medicine of Truth is rooted at the centre of creation, in the memory field of existence where we remember the essence of the life purpose such as love, consciousness, harmony, care… Every woman accesses this Medicine while in orgasm, lovemaking, menstruating, giving birth but she often misunderstood or misguided it due to the overwhelming pleasure, pain or frustration she often encounters in those experiences.
How to go at the centre of life energy?
How to tap into its Truth, its Purpose? And how to live it, to manifest it authentically, honestly?
While it might appear sometimes to be an impossible task, it is actually an inherent quality of every woman to use her sexuality to find her own Medicine of Truth and channel it creatively in her life. She just needs to revive the power of prayer, of gratitude, of creation, of intuition, of beauty and to re-learn to circulate properly her energy in her womb. In this way, her sexuality is not only used to create pleasure but offers a great source of empowerment, manifestation and clear insights. She can than re-establish the Medicine of Truth from where she gives birth to sacred sexuality, to words, forms and actions at the service of Creation and of her own Awakening and the one of others.
This retreat is a ‘renaissance’ of the Women Medicine of Truth using the female capacity to tap into the forces of Life Creative Energy awakening in her sexuality. It provides a field of Intuitive Wisdom where the body and heart of a woman is at service of Creation for it to manifest Beauty, Harmony and everything that benefits her spiritual evolution. This alignment offers a healthy sexuality rooted in the Forces of Truth, in the Memory of Life Purpose and it ignites the way a woman expresses creation in her life. This retreat is based on the Tantra Kaula Heart of All, the Jaguar Mother Drum and the Colibri Medicine. It offers many Sacred Viewpoints from where women can look at themselves in new and ancient ways, and thus refreshing, regenerating, empowering their body, heart and spirit with Truth.
The main areas of exploration:
— The Jaguar Mother Drum
— The Ancestors
— The Medicine of Truth
— The Medicine Sky
— Creating Clear Intention & Direction
— Horizontal & Vertical Dimension
— Power of Prayer and Devotion
— Power of Manifestation
— Connection with the Great Mother
— Orgasm Forces
— Star Orgasm Massage
— Breast and Sex Re-connection
— Freeing the genitals from physical and emotional tension as well as misconception
— Womb Yoga with Yoni Egg
— Receiving and Giving Energy
— Guiding a Man into Lovemaking
Pema’s sharing about women:
“…Women for some reason have become very lazy. They have given up! They do not open anymore into their wisdom because they have lost the access to their own Medicine. And this has immense consequences for the world. Being the force of creation, being the ones giving birth to forms, women nevertheless do not take care anymore of what they create. As an example, women give birth to a boy and offer them guns for him to play with. They do not question anymore what the toys are about. They do not see that it supports violence. At the same time, the same women wonder why there are wars, rapes, all kind of abuse inflicted by men! Women have gone totally out of their connection to the Great Mother, to Harmony, so they have lost also the way to care for the whole, for the community, for their family, for their creation and for themselves too… I also see that in this laziness women have lost access not only to their wisdom but also to their own body, to their orgasmic potential and their own Medicine. It is interesting to see that women don’t even know how to give birth by themselves. They have to rely on hospitals, on doctors, on medication; and so totally separated from their nature, from their deep mother instincts…
Women have immense resources of orgasmic energies that, once awakened, allow them to vibrate on a totally different level of intelligence. On this level it is impossible for a woman to say to her boy: “go play with a gun, go kill…”. On this level, she will say to her boy: “be at the service of love, care for the whole…”. Once the woman is at her peak of energy and channels it in her body, heart and being, she reconnects with her wisdom which aligns her with Life… Life with a big L. Not the little stupid life ruled by our society, but a Life ruled by the intelligence of love and consciousness…
I like to believe that it is not too late for women to wake up and make a drastic change in their lives and the life of the community; a change that offers to all of us a life of harmony we are made to live but that we seem to have forgotten…
I offer this retreat with a deep longing that women reunite their being with their Medicine of Truth, with the wisdom of the Great Mother and the Great Mystery, with the power of Beauty, of Creation and the power to care for Creation…”
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Healing retreats for singles & lovers
In our society, words such as “Healing”, “Medicine” have been spoiled, misused to the point we lost the connection with their true meaning. As a result, we became disconnected from our ability to tap into their power. Finding ourselves confronted with inner obstacles that require the use of that power, we find ourselves helplessly pulled down into destructive patterns.
The word Memory has been reduced to describe the ability of our brain to store information. Most of this information that we are being asked to remember is an unnecessary load of crap, which creates major confusion within us. Healing, Memory and Medicine were once words referring to very sacred dimensions and paths that were supporting to keep each personal evolution in harmony with life, nature, beauty, love…
The Inner Medicine Way retreats revive these ancient ways so we can remember and manifest our creative uniqueness and diversity with Clarity, Respect and Peace. They enable us to co-create a healthy world in tune with the highest qualities of love and consciousness.
What is the process about:
These 2 retreats share the Inner Medicine methods, focusing on healing and transforming patterns that slow down or pull down the ascension of your energy into a state of Clarity. The methods are anchored in the profound understanding of the essence of Memory, such as the natural equilibrium of order and chaos, which keeps your creativity to be at service for the highest expression of life. The methods offer precious practices to support the recognition and removal of all obscuration. They restore your ability to connect your life’s purpose with the one of existence. They support you to generate healthy thoughts, emotions and actions that benefit your evolution towards becoming a mature human being.
These retreats are a mysterious, yet pragmatic way to activate the fibre of Memory in you, for you to walk your life in harmony with the whole.
Here are some of the main topics we explore during these two retreats::
– Understanding of energy’s upward and downward spiral movements
– Ancestral, historical, biological Memory map
– Recognizing inner obscuration
– Unlocking healing forces in us
– Calling out the Elements of Nature to revitalize our own forces
– Finding, activating the Inner Medicine
– Practicing Inner Medicine methods
– Growing up from adolescent to mature adult
– The main negative emotions
– Defying gravity
– Taking responsibility for healing our inner obstacles
– Remembering the Ancestral Memory
– Grounding ourselves in our Inner Direction, Life Purpose
– The power of Prayer and right saying
– Ceremony of the 4 Altars
– The Mandala of the seven directions.
– The Centre of the Centre
– The navel protection and nourishment
– Digesting energies, emotions, memories…
What Pema says about this retreat?
I see many of us confronted with inner obstacles, restricting the energy to rise to a higher realm of consciousness. It can be very frustrating to constantly bang your head on the same wall of pain, of misunderstanding, of deep-rooted convictions working against your evolution… I call this the loop!
You initially progress on the path, you feel finally out of destructive restrictive patterns, and boom, here it comes again! The same loop of emotions, of inner conflicts; a downfall spiral starts sucking you into inner darkness that you thought was gone forever.
How to be-friend the downward energy spiral, the inner chaos?
This might be why I was pulled to look there; I have always been attracted by Mystery. At the start of my enquiry into the realm of Memory, I didn’t expect it would be such a life- changing journey. I dived into it with a deep intuitive knowing I would find the “key” to remove my obscuration. I was certain to find answers on how to keep my energy rising stable, or to heal anything that pushed me down… How little I knew of what I would find!
I will not elaborate on how and where I found the methods to enter the realm of Memory, but I can at least share some of the treasures I found. As for the methods, if you like to explore and discover them you are warmly invited to join the Inner Medicine Way retreats.
I revived so many situations of pain, of misery, of hate, of fight, of basically everything in my life that pulled down the upward spiraling of my energy. Each time, the only thing I had to do was to remember the love I disconnected from in those moments! What a profound lesson! The forgetfulness of Love is what creates the most profound pain. I might have been beaten up in my past. But the physical pain is nothing compared to the forgetfulness of Love in the moment I got beaten up.
It is only this winter while traveling in Peru that suddenly, I felt I was ready to share it all. I was not in a hurry though. My intention was to wait until next year; to take my time to set up a good structured retreat for it. But the worldly circumstances showing up since some months have accelerated my longing to share this Inner Medicine Way with all of you.
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