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Retreat 4 – Arya Ritual 4-day

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Date 24 Nov 2022 until 27 Nov 2022

Start on first day at 10:00

Finish on last day at 18:00

Code49 – Venwoude
Vuurse Steeg 1
3749 AN Lage Vuursche

Country Netherlands

What is the process about:
In this retreat you are invited to refine lovemaking to the Arya Tantra, which unites the force of desire to the devotional alchemy of the heart by worshiping the sexual energy as doorway to the inner secrets of creation. The process creates a drastic change of your sexual life by shifting you from ego-centered sexuality into conscious, blissful, nourishing sexuality where intimate meeting becomes a source of awakening and creaticity.

The main areas of exploration:
– Refining intercourse to the Arya Tantra
– Opening to the Arya Yoga of Creation
– Entering the Great Desire
– Building up Clear Intention in lovemaking
– Awakening the qualities of devotion/worship
– Stabilizing yourself into bliss
– Being in touch with the Divine creation within you
– Trust in your capacity to embrace and create a life supporting you

Important Information: Do you have to move into penetration during the retreat?
This retreat is devoted to lovemaking, which doesn’t mean you will have to move into penetration. This is very important for you to understand this. You stay totally free with this! We share with you an amazing method of lovemaking. While learning the method you are free to move in penetration or not. You will not be pushed into it! Whatever is your choice we can guarantee the total benefit of the method.

What Pema says about this retreat?
“There are a few aspects in the way of lovemaking from the Arya Tantra.
The first one consists in realizing that all the postures we take in sexual intercourse are creating patterns of energy within us and our partner. During the Ritual you use these patterns of energy with a clear intention of love in order to uplift your lovemaking into a high frequency of bliss.
The second aspect is about the biological aspect of the energy we generate during intercourse. This energy if not used for the creation of a child, can be used for another type of creation. In the Ritual, you combine the patterns of energy mentioned above with the biological force of creation to generate inner and outer forms of creation. It is a mysterious process shifting love intercourse into a totally new dimension where every union with a partner actualizes the potential of Divine forces of creation within the body, the heart and the sexual energy.
One more aspect is about Desire which is one of the powerful energy fueling the Arya Yoga of Creation. There is a deep understanding about desire, which is whatever we desire we want to be one with. It means desire is also a key for oneness. In the Ritual, we tap into desire totally, as to come to a point of unity where we become desireless at the peak of desire. It is a powerful transformation bringing about blissful experiences beyond words.”

Arya Wisdom of the Yoga of Creation:
“My dear lovers, I did mention to you that many things can be created out of the Yoga of Creation- recipe. Actually everything is created out of it. Created and also de-created or better to say transformed. What is happening within your body when you move into the Yoga of Creation is the same happening in this big universe around us. The play of creation in the universe is the same as in your body. You do not need to go looking at the stars to figure out how they have been born. Go looking down into your body and you will know because they are unfolding there too. In your body, you can see the whole creation of existence. Stars, plants, animals… all are born in your body and you are also born in all of them. The play of creation is the same for everyone and everything, even though forms coming out of it differ. If you are stuck looking at the forms, you might think that creation is different for every thing and for everyone, but it is not. It all comes out of the same Yoga, of the same dance, of the same force of desire. The Great Desire is the chef cook in this big kitchen of the universe! In the Yoga of Creation you need to rely on the Great Desire. It is the force moving your body towards each other. It is the force fuelling your energy and giving the spark for its actions. Now, consciously or unconsciously you can participate in it. And it is consciously you need to move into it in order for its hidden mystery to be revealed to you. Unconsciously you will only see the by-product of creation, such as the fruits on the trees, the blossoming flowers on the plants, the baby from the womb of the woman, but you will not be taken by its Beauty, its Truth…” Extract from the book Tantra, The Hidden Mysteries from Pema Gitama.

Registration & Information: info@wildtantra.com

Price:  € 820
Price is per person, including VAT and do not include the lodging. See prices for lodging


Program Overview in the Netherlands & Prices 2023*

First Year at Venwoude
Orgasmic Body 6 – 9 April: € 900
Female/Male Orgasms 7 – 11 June: € 1090
Kundalini Awakening 7 – 10 September: € 900
Arya Ritual 30 Nov – 3 Dec: € 900
Reduction price full first year process: € 3640

*Prices are per person, including VAT and do not include the lodging. For lodging prices, look here.
There is an additional 10% discount for participants under the age of 30.


Second Year at Meeuwenveen
Silent Orgasm  30 March – 2 April: € 900
Inner Diamond 15 – 18 June: € 900
Noor Ritual 15 – 19 September:   1090
Reduction price full second year process: € 2735

*Prices are per person, including VAT and include the lodging.
There is an additional 10% discount for participants under the age of 30.


WildTantra Introduction at Venwoude
WildTantra Intro 27 Nov:  € 135

Registration & Information

For WildTantra Path of Awakening
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96

For Introduction day
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96