“The essence of Tantra is
about encountering reality directly…”

Wild: Consciousness, Love, Bliss, Grace, Silence, Devotion, Orgasm, Desire, Wonder, Ecstasy, Compassion, Freedom, Emptiness, Wisdom, Purity, Enlightenment, Meditation, Creativity, Passion, Masters, Oneness, Tantra…
You after WildTantra Initiation !
“Did you ever realize that everything fulfilling in life is wild?
Have a closer look: Love, consciousness, bliss, orgasm, ecstasy… These are dimensions of union that have one thing in common: they are wild! You can’t manipulate, control or dominate them. If you try to do so, you will see that you cannot take hold of them! The art is to surrender to them in order to fall back into your enlightened state. Through various precious tantric methods, unpredictable situations, using all means possible, WildTantra guides you into this non-dual dimension within you and support you in anchoring yourself into it.
WildTantra is transmitting Tantra as a wild, crazy, unspoiled path of spiritual awakening, without the denial of sexual energy, but with its transformation into an ultimate state of consciousness by tapping into unifying forces. It is an invitation to wake up to the wildness of your body, heart and consciousness! It is for the courageous ones who are not afraid to say yes to all aspects of life. If you are one of them, join us. We take care of waking you up to the power of union within you!
WildTantra by Pema:
“… I call our Tantra the Wild Tantra. Wildness is a misused word that we associate with crazy, unconscious and animalistic behaviors. In my perception we are wild the moment we are out of the mind conditioning that divides. In the mind we try to keep ourselves civilized under codes of behaviors, language, and all kind of rules that make us very divided. From this state we don’t have access anymore to qualities that bring us into unity, such as love for example. From my point of view wildness is dropping out of division and getting in touch with our qualities that unify. Wildness is a state of Consciousness. It is the true civilized state we fall in! Not civilized from the mind which is fake, but from the heart. Wildness is a totally conscious state. Consciousness is the wildest dimension I know. You can’t tame it. Everything inside of you that you cannot tame is wild. Love, bliss – you cannot tame them. They are wild “animals”! You can’t catch them and manipulate them. That is impossible. Tantra is wild, because it brings us constantly in touch with qualities that make us fall into oneness…”
What is Tantra?
“The basic understanding of Tantra is that, contrary what the mind tells us, all polarities in life are not opposites. They are complementary. Male and female, light and darkness aren’t conflicting forces. From that deep insight Tantra has developed meditation techniques that focus our awareness on the union of polarities. One of the most human ways to seek this union is through lovemaking, through sex. When the orgasm happens, the male and female energies meet, melt and give us a glimpse of union. Tantra says that orgasm doesn’t belong to sex, but to our consciousness, to our being. It is an inner space where all opposites, melt and unify: a space of oneness, wholeness. Through sacredness, awareness and love, tantra teaches us how to be in that space in our daily life. Tantric methods are body oriented. They teach us to approach the body as a temple and view the senses as the doors to the inner and outer world. The aim of all these methods is to get consciously in touch with the “point” where inner and outer meet and to relax into it. In this relaxation the expansion of consciousness unfolds. And over the last 5000 years, Indian and Tibetan Tantric Masters have said that this expansion of consciousness is the greatest orgasm that existence can offer us…” Pema
Pema sharing on different Tantra topics
“When I look at the way Tantra is generally exposed in the world,
I see that it is being used to allow people to become somebody.
The whole essence is missing.
In Tantra there are no tantricas.
In Tantra you have to drop the whole idea of being a tantrica.
Even this, you have to drop it.
As long as you can come up saying I am a tantrica,
there is still something in the way between you and existence.
It has to be drop!
Be nobody!
And in that nobodyness maybe we can be everything…”

Pema sharing on different Tantra topics
“When I look at the way Tantra is generally exposed in the world,
I see that it is being used to allow people to become somebody.
The whole essence is missing.
In Tantra there are no tantricas.
In Tantra you have to drop the whole idea of being a tantrica.
Even this, you have to drop it.
As long as you can come up saying I am a tantrica,
there is still something in the way between you and existence.
It has to be drop!
Be nobody!
And in that nobodyness maybe we can be everything…”
The Harmony Keeper
Where is the Harmony Keeper?
For most of us duality means division. It is black and white. It is negative and positive. In this process enters the play of preferences: positive is better than negative, white is better than black. On a deeper level, repression shows up such as: I prefer positive, so I repress negative in order not to feel it. We can apply this process on many layers: I prefer pleasure, so I deny pain. By and by it goes also to extreme of indulging into what feels good, what is pleasurable. It becomes an obsessive fight for the good and against the bad.
Now the question is: Who defines “bad” and who defines “ good?” On which criteria bad and good they are based?
I leave it up to you to meditate on it!
Tantra defines duality as complementay forces that unite for the benefit of harmony. When these forces divide there is ‘de-harmony’ – putting these forces against one another thus generating fight, war… As a basic example: too much heat; you go hysterical, scream and beat up somebody (and regret it later on), too much cold ; you become sad, depressed, suicidal (and can’t regret it later on because it is too late!). These are very simple facts happening world wide on a daily base.
My view is that we have become totally up rooted from our essence of harmony keeper. Somewhere inside all of us, there is a being who knows how to balance white and black for the benefit of ourselves, of others, of the planet, of nature…
Where this Harmony Keeper is hiding? Why we prefer to screw up the whole planet, ourselves, our beloved, our family and our future generations instead of bringing into action the Harmony Keeper in all of us?
I leave it to you to meditate on it!
Tantra is not for and is not against. It bypasses the game of preferences, of good and bad. It looks much deeper into the mysterious play of duality. It knows how to balance everything in us, outside us. It knows nothing is bad, nothing is good. Everything can work together in a creative harmony, music, silence… Tantra is waking up the Harmony Keeper! The one taking responsibility for harmony.
Do you want to wake up? Or you prefer to indulge into the sleep walker who blindly misinterprets duality for division thus promoting chaos as the only living state possible. Or you want to wake up and put into action the Harmony Keeper who carries a deep sense of discernment and who knows how to apply the most ancestral knowledge of harmony (Tantra) thus promoting nothing but simply living in a responsible way.!
I leave it to you to meditate on it!
The trust we most of us mention is a very cheap trust.
It is worth nothing. We should not call it trust actually. This word trust has been so much misused, like the word love too. Because it is misused we don’t know the meaning of it anymore, we don’t know how to feel the meaning of it anymore. It has becomes only something psychological, something of the mind.
Trust doesn’t live in your mind neither in your psychology or your emotions. Trust lives in your heart. It can’t be questioned. It can’t be broken. This is very important we understand this: it can’t be broken. The trust we do mention about can be broken. It can’t be called trust. It is something else. It is a contract between two persons. The contract can be broken at any time. Trust never and love too!
I hear many times people saying they have their heart broken. I don’t know what they speak about but certainly not of the heart, not of love and not of trust. Because all these words are being misused, they are interpreted. They start living in the mind. People, when they speak about love, about trust, about heart, they do refer to the mind. When they say I love this man, I love this flower. It is not the heart speaking, but the mind. And it would be better to say: I like this man and I like this flower.
People only speak about preferences. They do not speak about love. When it is about trust it is the same. They trust what they prefer. And what you prefer can change at anytime. This is why the trust, the love can be broken. The love, the trust, the unbroken ones at the center of the heart, do not have preference. It trusts, it loves, that’s it! I would like you also to understand, you can’t divide trust and love. They are functioning together. They are part of the same dynamic. When you say I trust, you also say I love. When you say I love you also say I trust. It is nearly the same word for the same thing, just a slightly different color.
The trust you mention is the one living in the mind, the one making contracts, the one with likings. This is the one I call the cheap trust. You can even buy it. It is what people do amongst each other. They buy the trust of each other. They buy the love of each other.
The trust at the center of the heart is stable. It is something, which never moves. The trust, the cheap one in the mind is in constant movement, and the same for the love living in the mind. It has no stability. You can’t relay on it. You can’t relay on a trust coming from the mind. The trust at the center of the heart, which has no movement, which is in total stability, you can relay on it always. Whatever happens, whatever the circumstances inner or outer, it will never move, you can relay on it. It has a power of transformation, which is not the case of the trust living in the mind. The trust living in the mind only has a power of destruction. It is a business man. The trust of the mind relays on business only. The trust centered in your heart has a power of stability and of transformation. It means whatever the negative circumstances, even painful ones, it will absorb it and it will transform it. As long as you live with a trust anchored in the mind you will never be at rest. You will always be suspicious. You will always question.
At the center of your heart there is a trust, which doesn’t ask question. I would say it is The Answer. Once you are in this trust deep in the heart, there are no more question. You simply live the trust, you are in it, you enjoy it, you flow with it. It is good you see the picture and understand it and by and by withdraw the energy involved in the trust of the mind. In this way you bring back your energy in the trust of the heart.
Light & Heavy Energy
Here be careful, anger is not to be rated as “bad “or “wrong”, it is just a heavy, dense energy. And too much heavy energy in your system is like carrying kilos of stones in your backpack; it makes the walk to the mountain peak very difficult!! The art is to maintain yourself with enough light energy in order to move lighter towards the peak!
Here the art is to know your inner power that digests, transforms heavy energies into light energies if you don’t want to be sick (physically, psychologically, emotionally…).
I could elaborate a lot on the inner power, but that would be for another newsletter or a book! There is much to share about it. For now, I share a very brief view of heavy and light energies. There is definitely much more into it. I just highlight the non-moralistic and the digesting/transforming aspects of it.
Going Deeper
What does it mean when you say: “I went deep” or “I go deep”?…
I hear these a lot and many times I wonder what this is all about. Where do you go to when you go deep?
I do also express myself this way. I do refer to depths, especially in our Tantra retreats where I do ask people to go deep. But I realise by and by that there is a misunderstanding on what this depth is about.
Here are some understandings: Most of the time we are living on the surface, meaning that our energy is involved in the traffic of the mind. It is a lot about movements, about outgoing energy. Nothing stable in that! Right now you agree with me, in a few seconds you will disagree… so on and so forth! This morning you love your beloved, by lunch time you hate him/her, and by diner you love him/her again. These movements are based on duality. No judgment about that, but for sure there is nothing deep in it! When we move away from this ongoing unstable movement, we fall into the Center.
What is the Center about? It is a place where there is no movement; a place where consciousness shines bright; where love is felt as a total unconditional source of peace; a place where we are ageless; a place where we are never born and where we never die; a place of emptiness; a place beyond time and form; a place of stability; a place of unity; oneness… I could add more, but I guess this is enough to resonate in you. You know this place! Everyone knows it, but simply forgets about it. Thus the effort of Tantra to again and again bring us back there until one day we stay. Call it enlightenment, awakening… One thing is sure: in the Center we are in the depths of existence!
In short: To go deep means to reach out to the Centre and to stay in it. It needs a longing, a willingness to go there. It needs some methods, some situations to step into the Center, which require great discipline.
The Frequency of Orgasm
That it will make you happy forever?
I have to admit that I was one of them!
About 25 years ago, I struggled with experiencing orgasm. I decided to step into the path of sexual de-conditioning, de-armouring of my genitals and body so I would be happy ever after! It was an amazing journey. And finally, I did reach the orgasms I was looking for. What a joy!! And yet, I was still fighting with my boy-friend, I was still jealous, and I was still a bitch! The fact that I was able to reach orgasm didn’t solve anything! For sure, it made me feel more relaxed and happy for a while, but the demons would come back very quickly!
So what was going wrong? Was it me? Was it the orgasm?
Is orgasm insignificant or is there really something valuable in it?
I decided to dive much deeper into the phenomenon of orgasm to understand what it is truly about. This is certainly the most profound and interesting road I ever took! At first, I observed that at the moment of orgasm there is a black out, the same one we have in deep sleep. We are gone somewhere but we have no idea where we have been. The only thing we notice is that when we come back, we feel rejuvenated and we feel extremely good and clear. When I started to notice the black out, I took the challenge to stay awake at the moment of orgasm. It took a while and lots of experiments. But I did succeed, and I made some major discovery: Orgasm is not only a physical phenomenon of high pleasure but a vibration which aligns to the frequency of consciousness.
The core frequency of orgasm is consciousness. Like the core of deep meditative state is consciousness. From there everything changed in my approach to sex, to orgasm. The pleasure of orgasm became secondary, like in the background, while the space of consciousness became first priority for me to dive into.
Now, while building up orgasm, I know I build up energy to raise myself to the frequency of consciousness. When Orgasm happens, I am at the peak of consciousness and not only at a peak of pleasure.
I learn to maintain myself in that frequency long after the orgasm has left my body. I practice staying in that frequency in my daily life, in my actions, in my relationship. And now, orgasm is truly a source of transformation, a deep meditative state, a place where I get to know myself.
Sex, orgasm, lovemaking in the Tantric scene is very much commercialized because sex sells. I do not want to promote this.
I do not want to sell sex for Tantra.
Sex is fun, it is beautiful, but it is far from Tantra.
And it took me long time to get it!! Only when I finally reached the centre of orgasm, I did understand what Tantra refers to when it speaks about non-sexual lovemaking. In order to reach the frequency of consciousness, vibrating at the centre of orgasm, one needs to let go of sexuality, otherwise you stay stuck in the nice, juicy side of sex. You never enter the temple. You stay outside enjoying the beauty of the temple without encountering the divine dwelling in it. And this divine is you in a high state of consciousness.
Where is the Harmony Keeper?
For most of us duality means division. It is black and white. It is negative and positive. In this process enters the play of preferences: positive is better than negative, white is better than black. On a deeper level, repression shows up such as: I prefer positive, so I repress negative in order not to feel it. We can apply this process on many layers: I prefer pleasure, so I deny pain. By and by it goes also to extreme of indulging into what feels good, what is pleasurable. It becomes an obsessive fight for the good and against the bad.
Now the question is: Who defines “bad” and who defines “ good?” On which criteria bad and good they are based?
I leave it up to you to meditate on it!
Tantra defines duality as opposite forces that unite for the benefit of harmony. When these forces divide there is ‘de-harmony’ – putting these forces against one another thus generating fight, war… As a basic example: too much heat; you go hysterical, scream and beat up somebody (and regret it later on), too much cold ; you become sad, depressed, suicidal (and can’t regret it later on because it is too late!). These are very simple facts happening world wide on a daily base.
My view is that we have become totally up rooted from our essence of harmony keeper. Somewhere inside all of us, there is a being who knows how to balance white and black for the benefit of ourselves, of others, of the planet, of nature…
Where this Harmony Keeper is hiding? Why we prefer to screw up the whole planet, ourselves, our beloved, our family and our future generations instead of bringing into action the Harmony Keeper in all of us?
I leave it to you to meditate on it!
Tantra is not for and is not against. It bypasses the game of preferences, of good and bad. It looks much deeper into the mysterious play of duality. It knows how to balance everything in us, outside us. It knows nothing is bad, nothing is good. Everything can work together in a creative harmony, music, silence… Tantra is waking up the Harmony Keeper! The one taking responsibility for harmony.
Do you want to wake up? Or you prefer to indulge into the sleep walker who blindly misinterprets duality for division thus promoting chaos as the only living state possible. Or you want to wake up and put into action the Harmony Keeper who carries a deep sense of discernment and who knows how to apply the most ancestral knowledge of harmony (Tantra) thus promoting nothing but simply living in a responsible way.!
I leave it to you to meditate on it!
Pleasure & Bliss
Tantra takes us from pleasure into bliss, but what does it mean?
Taking the example of lovemaking, because it is there that mostly pleasure and bliss play a great role for all of us. Pleasure is a momentary sensation in the body triggering happiness, relaxation, aliveness, a sense of togetherness with a partner.
Bliss is a state attained from being lovingly present without judgment, nor preference to whatever sensations occurring in the body. This state can last hours, days, months and hopefully eternity depending how much we surrender into it.
The deeper we surrender, the more bliss will refine into different layers of expansion starting from the body bliss, where we feel one with our partner. We lose a sense of personality. There is no more you and your partner, but a big space of bliss unifying both of you. But on some level there is still a separation. When bliss expands beyond the body bliss, it moves you into unity with the cosmos, universe, god, something much bigger than you and your partner. This cosmic bliss, if I can name it this way, has no point of return. It is an ever lasting journey.
This journey starts with simple pleasure, such as looking into the eyes of your partner or moving together into deep embrace and lovemaking, just to say it starts in your body! From pleasure into bliss, could be called from body to no-body or the great body of the Universe, which I refer to as the Mother space where we all come from.
This is a very beautiful subject,
but difficult to speak about because we have many ideas about it.
In short definition: It is a state of unity in which different polarities come together.
Within our body we have different polarities playing. When they trigger each other there are explosions and implosions, just different types of orgasm. The basic understanding is falling into the state of unity. We can reach it through many different doors. The one best know is sex. It is actually very narrow to put it down to sex only. We have many senses which are all doors to the state of unity. If you listen carefully to music, you do also come to orgasm. Two things come together: The music and you. These two vibrations of energy tuning to each other can come into orgasm, into unity. These orgasms open you to different state of consciousness.
In Tantra, we work a lot on the dimension of orgasm, because of its quality of unity. I try not to narrow it to the sex center. The whole body can open all its doors to orgasm. Everything that reaches your body can give you an orgasm, even the noise on the street. If you relax, you get into the vibration and here it is. Unity is here. Orgasm is here. It is beautiful to play with this. It also takes away the idea that orgasm only belongs to sex, to lovemaking and that’s it. This is a beautiful way to explore it. Why not orgasm everywhere? Why not when you are sitting in the bus going to your office? Why not letting it happen there too?…
The Sacred & Secret Path
There are no secrets in Tantra and yet, paradoxically, Tantra is full of them!
The reason for this is very simple: It’s because we are so fucked up that we misuse everything! Look at how men and women misuse love. Look at what is happening in this world in the name of love! The Tantric Masters know how we are and seeing that what they transmit will get misused, they made their teachings secret.
Tantra is a big secret book!
And yet in some way, it is not. You can dive into the book very easily if you are open. In order for us not to misuse Tantra, the Tantric Masters play a lot of games! The Masters have devices, such as the chakra map. But there is much more such as symbols, sounds. These are all kinds of secret codes. I am personally very in love with it. I found it so beautiful that the Masters have created these in such loving way for us to fall into transparency, into presence, for us to have a sense of sacredness.
Tantra doesn’t need symbols or rituals, or statues, but for us to go into depth, the Tantric Masters have used what they found in different religions. It is very beautiful. In Tantra you can find symbols coming from many different religions: Sufism, Hinduism… It was a way for the Masters to reach to everyone, to speak to everyone and to welcome everyone. Whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, in Tantra you are welcome. The way you relate to your religion, the symbol you use there to reach to the divine can be used in Tantra. It is amazing to see that you can speak about Tantra in many countries with different religious background and still everybody understands.
Tantra is vast because it incorporates everything.
Everything is welcome in it. And still everything is secret! This is a mind-blowing story. It might look like everything is open, which can be very attractive. But the moment you will surrender to the Master you are going to realize that everything is secret and you will have to figure it out all by yourself. It is delicate to speak about secrets in Tantra, because I cannot reveal them! This is also the play in transmitting Tantra that I find so beautiful. I am moving like this with my Master for many years. She just puts me in a meditation without telling me the secret behind it. She gives a picture, a guidance to seduce us into moving deeper. Then you find out what the secret is. Stepping onto the path of Tantra you constantly discover one secret after another…
Moving the furniture in your house doesn’t transformed your house!
One of my observations is that most people who participate in all kind of spiritual workshops, retreats (even our retreats!) are simply fooling themselves around by manipulating their life, mind, emotion and body thinking: ‘I have changed because I feel more relaxed, even more fulfilled’. But this change is just a move of furniture in the inner house from one room to another. It feels good, it feels new, refreshed, changed but all the furniture are still there!! So actually, nothing has changed! You still have your furniture. No transformation has happened! And one day or another you are bound to bump again into these furniture. You thought you didn’t have anger anymore, and suddenly an unexpected situation pops up and the dragon comes out. The dragon you thought was dead is more alive than before! It is no more in the first floor where he used to live, it is now in the second floor …
The process of transformation is obtained through Initiation…
The process of transformation, which is the foundation of Tantra, is obtained through Initiation. Transformation needs to be lit up in us because it is asleep! All the methods of Tantra generate energy to awaken the capacity of transformation. But these methods need an inner atmosphere for them to become active, like a baby needs a womb to grow. Initiation creates the womb, or maybe better to say: activates the womb. Another example: you can have a house and yet no electricity in it. Like having all the methods of Tantra, but not the energy to activate them. You can play around with all the methods and yet nothing truly meaningful is going to happen. The methods need the electricity!! Initiation is what brings the electricity into the method!
Initiation is a big word and very much misused by the way.
I like to handle it really carefully because it is too precious to be spoiled by mind concepts. It is good to understand that each Initiation is always about consciousness! Most of the time because of our deep sleep we are unconscious. An Initiation switches on the electricity in our bedroom, the light comes in and we wake up with a specific tool (depending on the tradition from where the initiation comes from) to use this light in our daily-life, in our meditation practices… The light infuses the method of Tantra with the light of consciousness. Without the light, without the Initiation, the method is a bit empty.
You might wonder where and how to get the initiation?
There are sacred places, there are Masters (sometimes in disguise!), there are Medicine people… and more… which have their level of vibration in-tune with consciousness. We generally speak about enlightenment when we refer to this vibration, but I prefer not to use this word because is one of the most misused in the spiritual scene. So let’s keep it to vibration of consciousness. Moving in sacred places where this vibration is fully alive, initiation is happening all the time. Being in the presence of a person whose vibration is pulsating consciousness, there too initiation happens.
Now, to be able to pick up this vibration and receive the initiation, you need silence, respect, gratitude, a clear intention and most of the time: healing. You need a very calm inner climate in you if you do not want the mind to interfere. To create this inner climate, enabling you to be receptive to initiation and to be attuned to the vibration of consciousness, is the work I like to share with you.