Date 5 Feb 2024 until 12 Feb 2024
Start on first day at
17:00 Finish on last day at
13:00 Location Country
Indonesia What is Reality? We can answer this question in various intellectual, scientific, religious or philosophical ways, yet we will never be satisfied. All the answers will motivate new questions. Tantra found a very profound way to answer this existential question by offering methods of meditation that support us to have a direct recognition of the true nature of reality. The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (VBT), one of the oldest Shivaism Tantra scriptures, containing 112 methods that explore the body, breath, senses, pleasure, heart, emotions, dream, sounds… has a vehicle for a direct encounter with the essence of reality. Aham Retreat is a unique transformative process where you practice some of the most profound methods of the VBT. Through the methods you can awaken your perception of Reality and ignite your capacity to weave all opposite energies and forces within you. It is a unique opportunity to unfold your ability to enter the space of Hridaya, the Supreme Heart where everything is Consciousness. The whole journey is cutting through illusions, projections, judgements, interpretation and manipulation of Reality. It is a deep purification process activating the clear, true Seeing; what the physical eyes cannot see. The process also offers deep understanding of the mechanism of the mind, of emotions and the body structure. Most of the methods are body oriented and do not deny sensorial pleasure nor sexuality, but it uses them as tools to provoke higher states of consciousness. In this journey you learn to celebrate the fine nectar of life within you and to rest in your inner sanctuary of silence, of calmness, of joy and how to manifest it in your daily activities and relationships. The main areas of exploration: For whom is this retreat? Structure of the retreat: Venue: Click here for prices, information and pictures Registration:
Ramayana – Candidasa Hotel & SPA
80801 BALI
AHAM Meditation Retreat Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
8-day Immersion
– Hridaya (Supreme Heart)
– Breath Awareness
– Shunya (void)
– Light and Darkness
– Kundalini Yoga
– Devotional ritual
– Mantra and Sound
– Visualisation
– Senses
This retreat is open to everyone who has the longing to dive deep into traditional Tantra practice, and the longing for freedom, for love, for consciousness. It is for beginners as much as long time practitioners. Whatever the level you are at, you will benefit from the process because meditation practices can only deepen the more you practice them. You can always approach meditation practices from every point; beginning, middle or end. Wherever you are, you grow within the practice!
The retreat is structured with whole day and night practices. Starting at 6 am and finishing around midnight. This intensive rhythm is alternated with breaks for meals, swimming and walking in nature.
Jalan Raya Sengkidu, Candidasa, Amlapura , Karangasem – Bali