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Retreat 2 – Female/Male Orgasm 6-day

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Date 4 Jul 2025 until 9 Jul 2025

Start on first day at 10:00

Finish on last day at 18:00

Meeuwenveenweg 1-3
7971 PK Havelte

Country Netherlands

What is the process about:

The process unfolds and offers understanding of the dynamic of sex, of man and woman relations by exploring the depth of orgasms as a source of energy which do not belong to female or male, but more to our capacity of giving/receiving and our quality of taping into bliss. To come to this point, we take time to heal our genitals, our emotional body from all kinds of misguiding, trauma, beliefs, social and religious conditioning. We give you tools to regain the full function of your sex in order to use it for a deeper, more fulfilling sexual encounter, but most of all,, to use it as an instrument for encountering the divine within you. In this way, we gain trust in letting go into deep pleasure and surrendering into something bigger than ourselves. We develop a supportive, loving and sacred environment where everyone can feel safe to open up to the intimate play of orgasm in the body.

Within this retreat, women and men are separated for 3 days before coming back together for specific practices. This allows them to explore different issues, topics, and qualities belonging to the uniqueness of their gender.

The main areas of exploration for this retreat:
– Stepping out of immature female and male attitudes
– Connecting to nurturing feminine and male forces
– Learning about male and female sexual energy and body
– Regaining your full capacity for orgasm if you lost it or if you can’t find it.
– Expanding the orgasm you already have to deeper fulfilments.
– Healing your genitalia from past trauma, misuse and misunderstanding.
– Letting go of destructive associations with sex.
– Lifting the ego centred relation between man and woman to a relating at the service of love and consciousness.
– Destroying within you the social conditions of what it is to be a man and a woman.

What Pema Gitama shares about this retreat:
Even though we yearn for orgasm, we are afraid of it at the same time. We carry a dilemma brought about by education and social or religious conditioning: ‘Sex is dirty, bad, wrong, evil… It is God´s gift, but only to make children… If you enjoy sex, you are a whore…’ You might think at first that you aren’t affected by this kind of beliefs, but they are playing in the background and constantly limiting your bliss. Sex and the Divine have been taboo for millennia. This has become a disease in humanity. We need healing, love and understanding to restore the natural possibility of rejoicing with the divine through sex. While diving into this healing dimension, another aspect is naturally brought into the light: our identity as man and woman, which is based on social rules and conditioning. Being a man is not about being strong, powerful, competitive, dominant, and being a woman is not about being fragile, emotional, needy, manipulative. The identification to these clichés is creating very immature men and women, who thus relate with each other on the level of wanting, needing, domination, submission… Tantra proposes a totally different approach to relating, which is based on sharing and support. It generates a new quality of men and women who love, respect deeply and  support each other’s awakening. In this retreat, we like to give birth to such men and women!…

What is orgasm?
While orgasm is triggered in the body, it opens a space beyond the body, linked to the heart and consciousness. The energy of orgasm first rushes in the body, flooding our senses with pleasure. Then, it opens a door to the beyond. This happens in a split second, a small moment we miss most of the time because of a lack of awareness. This moment is very precious. It shows us where we come from. It is a moment ‘back home’ in which everything is aligned within us: sex, heart and consciousness. If we catch hold of it, it is the greatest orgasm existence can offer us…

Registration & Information: info@wildtantra.com

Price: €1530
Price is per person, including VAT, food and lodging.

Program Overview in the Netherlands & Prices 2025*

First Year at Meeuwenveen
1. Orgasmic Body 4-Day: 21 – 24 March – €1070
2. Female/Male Orgasm 6-Day: 4 – 9 July – €1530
3. Kundalini Awakening 5-Day: 10 – 14 September – €1300
4. Arya Ritual 4-Day:  27 – 30 November – €1070
Reduction price full firstyear process: €4570

Second Year at Meeuwenveen
5. Silent Orgasm  4-Day: 27 – 30 March – €1070
6. Inner Diamond 4-Day: 21 – 24 June – €1070
7. Noor Ritual 5-Day: 17 – 21 September – €1300
Reduction price full secondyear process: €2945

*Prices include VAT, food and lodging.


WildTantra INTRO-DAY for singles & lovers at Code49 – Venwoude
WildTantra Intro 24 Nov: €180 – VAT + Vegetarian lunch included.

Registration & Information

For WildTantra Path of Awakening
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96

For Introduction day
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96