Date 15 Jun 2023 until 18 Jun 2023
Start on first day at
10:00 Finish on last day at
18:00 Location Country
Netherlands What the process is about: During this retreat we activate the pineal gland known as the third eye. Through specific methods derived from various Tantra tradition , the gland opens its mystic qualities – supporting us to see beyond the dualistic and rational nature of the mind. The One Eye View gives us the capacity to perceive inner and outer reality from a high consciousness. As we mostly perceive life from a low point of view conditioned by social ideas and concepts, the third eye view is like an eagle flying high in the sky of consciousness. It looks at reality from a high point of view, allowing us to see other areas of reality which are normally not available to our senses. The whole process uplifts you to understanding who you are, what life is about, what are your qualities of creation and to center yourself into consciousness. The main areas of exploration: What Pema shares about this retreat: Registration & Information:
Meeuwenveenweg 1-3
7971 PK
– Activating the Third Eye
– Detoxifying the Pineal Gland
– Exploring the brain waves activities (From Beta to Delta)
– Tuning to higher frequencies of consciousness and creativity
– Entering the realm of clarity, intuition
– Reclaiming your freedom
– Inner Diamond Ceremony
“The pineal gland is an endocrine gland responsible of the production of melatonin, serotonin and neurone transmitters which influences sexual development and sleep-wake cycles. It is also known for being the producer of DMT which triggers alternated state of consciousness. While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Known as the Third Eye, the Seat of the Soul, this mysterious treasure is considered to be the gateway that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. It plays an important role into our psychological being but most of all it has a crucial role to unlock our perception of reality, to connect directly to consciousness, truth. It is interesting to notice that we live in a society that does everything to shut down the capacity of the pineal gland by putting Fluor in our drinking water, too much sweeteners in our food. By locking down the third eye to higher consciousness we can have a society of slaves functioning at a minimum level of consciousness in kind of sleep walking state where everyone can be controlled. It makes us live far below our capacity of awakening, of love, of clarity, of intelligence. The awakening of the third eye is not just a nice mystical experience, it is most of all a way to reclaim our full capacity to live our life as an awakened being instead of a conditioned robot. In short the third eye activation is about reclaiming our freedom!”
Price: 900 €
Price is per person, including VAT and include the lodging.
Program Overview in the Netherlands & Prices 2023*
First Year at Venwoude
Orgasmic Body 6 – 9 April: € 900
Female/Male Orgasms 7 – 11 June: € 1090
Kundalini Awakening 7 – 10 September: € 900
Arya Ritual 30 Nov – 3 Dec: € 900
Reduction price full first year process: € 3490
*Prices are per person, including VAT and do not include the lodging. For lodging prices, look here.
There is an additional 10% discount for participants under the age of 30.
Second Year at Meeuwenveen
Silent Orgasm 30 March – 2 April: € 900
Inner Diamond 15 – 18 June: € 900
Noor Ritual 15 – 19 September: 1090
Reduction price full second year process: € 2680
*Prices are per person, including VAT and include the lodging.
There is an additional 10% discount for participants under the age of 30.
WildTantra Introduction at Venwoude
WildTantra Intro 27 Nov: € 135
Registration & Information
For WildTantra Path of Awakening
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96
For Introduction day
Amrapali +31 (0)6 28 07 16 96