Tantra Vol I, The Whispering Transmission – The Revised Version


This book explores one of the most attractive, controversial and revolutionary ways of life of mankind: Tantra, a path of spiritual awakening taking its root some 7000 years back in India and which doesn’t separate sex and enlightenment, but embraces them as one…



The book contains four parts:

– Breath-taking authentic story of a Tantric Master and her disciples
– 27 guided Tantric meditations illustrated with full page color pictures
– Pictures and love sutras
– Bonus Chapter: Sarpa-Vid Initiation

Pema Gitama, the author is investigating the depth of the mysterious Tantra Path by narrating the true story of a young Tibetan woman Pema, who, through various initiations, becomes disciple of the Indian Tantric Master: Leela. The story offers two perspectives of Tantra; the one from the Master and the one from the disciple, which makes the book very rich of wisdom, insight, break-through experiences, intense emotions, playfulness, sensuality. On the side of this spiritual adventure, there is a step by step guide into Tantric Meditation for individuals and couples to enable them to lift up their life energy to a blissful sexuality, to a fulfilling relating, and the highest level of consciousness and love.

17 x 1,9 x 24 cm
336 pages
730 grams
ISBN 978-2-9545846-0-7
English language
Published by Kaula Heart of All 2010

From the same author:
Tantra Vol I, The Whispering Transmission (2010)
Tantra Vol II, The Hidden Mysteries (2017)
Tantra Vol III, The Path of Awakening (November 2023)

Tantra Sarpá-vid, The Snake Charmer Initiation (2012, Music for Meditation)
VBT 16, Glory of the Lotus (2014, Music for Meditation)

Additional information

Weight 0,65 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 1,8 cm