The Flame Remains the Flame…
Here we are again: One year has passed!
What has passed? What is present? What lies ahead?
“The flame remains the flame…” my Tantra master Leela would say.
The inner flame of love, of consciousness which goes on shining bright within us.
Stable, luminous, wise… Stretching its light in all directions, far in the past, rooted in the present, unmovable in the future.
But are we aware of it? Are we connected to it? Are we manifesting it? Are we sharing it?…
To be honest: rarely, not to say never. This is not a pessimistic statement, just a down to earth realisation. We hide our flame behind many ideas, conditionings, patterns, fears which keep us suffering. We do feel its warm glow, but we are failing to use its quality of transformation. What about giving it our anger, our jealousy, our greed, our ignorance, our attachment, our pride… So, it can be transformed into compassion, generosity, equanimity, humility, wisdom…
Getting the courage to throw ourselves fully into the fire of transformation is what I define as being spiritual.
Everything else seems like beating around the bush with a yoga leggings, reciting a mantra or sutra of which no one understands the meaning, or with some latex outfit assuming it looks spiritually sexy, or with a naked body wrapped in ropes and knots to feel the master of kundalini energy, or dressed in a cloud of DMT smokes running unconsciously on the sand during the burning man festival claiming to be enlightened while being deluded in one more illusion!…
So many games are possible for us to make us feel we do the right thing to know ourselves, while we use those games to avoid ourselves, avoid the flame. We deceive ourselves constantly. There is nothing wrong with the games. They can all be a tool for the final jump into the transformative fire. Then games are over. Then the real work starts. Yes, I know nobody likes work. It has become a dirty word. We preferer entertainment even on the spiritual path. Actually we have made the spiritual path a very creative, entertaining, sexy-fairy-buddha-vegan land where very few are really undertaking the work of transformation.
Please don’t get me wrong in my playful sarcasm. I do not mean bad, or to be judgmental. I just like to support all of us with a good laugh and to be honest, to reflect sincerely on where we are, on what are we doing.
Do you really want to wake up or is it just a nice idea to play with?
That’s it…. Just sitting silently, doing nothing, just letting the question reach you deeply.
Not looking for an answer…
Just silently sitting, doing nothing, not even trying to meditate!
Just silently sitting, doing nothing….
Here it is!
Awake, bright, shining.
Give it all.
Burn all.
And the flame remains the flame.
It has always been there. Just forgotten in the mist of playing too many games.
Now, that you remember your flame,
Let the remembrance be your guide.
Then the work starts…
You burn and transform…
And the flame remains the flame.
This is the most joyful, fulfilling work I know.
I wish you all a loving remembrance.
May this remembrance be at the service of all beings.
With love and gratitude,
The registration for the Path of Awakening is open!
We welcome about 40 people for a one-year to two-year journey to awaken to the fire of transformation.
For information and registration contact: