Thank you!
This passing year could be resumed with these simple words,
which we tend to forget:
Thank you!
Thank you, not even for something.
Just Thank you,
Just a burst of gratitude from my heart to yours!
Like a flowing river,
rays of light,
In this time of transition from one year to another,
I wish we all transition from ignorance to wisdom!
I wish you to light up your life with gratitude!
Gratitude is Medicine!
Much love and gratitude,

What are Desire and Pleasure?
Is it possible to use them as a stepping stone to Consciousness?
Or is all a source of suffering?
Desire and pleasure are part of the journey of life. They motivate our actions, decisions, and relationships. We get some momentary fulfilments from them and some frustrations too! The frustrations lead to more desire for pleasurable moments. It goes on and on. We are prisoners of this loop, which generates much suffering.
Is there a way out of the loop which doesn’t condemn pleasure and desire?
Entering the emptiness of the Heart is the essential Step!
RAJA Lovers Retreat explores this step through a Ritual involving the embrace, the caresses, and the kisses between two lovers. All the intimate gestures of the lovers are a means to fuse the body with intense life energy. While channelling this energy to the Heart, we provoke a meeting beyond ego, personality, restricted beliefs, and dreams. A true meeting happens by blending refined physical sensations with high awareness, discipline, and devotion during the Ritual.
The preparation for the Ritual during the retreat invites the lovers to move out of mechanical sex and mind projections and expectations. It is a profound enquiry into the body’s rhythms, breath, mind and the emptiness of the Heart. The retreat supports lovers in awakening their energies and bodies to refined sensitivity and vitality to activate their potential for love and consciousness.
The main areas of exploration:
Learning & practising the Raja Ritual
Practicing the Yoga of Creation
Entering the Great Desire
Centering in the emptiness of the Heart
Reviving Wonder
Opening to the forces of Creation

New Year = New Retreat
A new retreat for 2024!
Guess what?
A retreat especially for Lovers!
Over the last 25 years of offering Tantra retreats, I have been profoundly looking at the dynamic Couples/Lovers. It has puzzled me and, from time to time, irritated me a lot! I discovered some essential distinctions between these two dynamics of the relationship between a man and a woman.
Couples dynamic is about manipulation, domination, abuse…
Lovers dynamic is about consciousness, love, peace…
I don’t blame couples!
I have been in that dynamic. I know the hell this can be!
I just like to make a distinction in potential between a man and a woman.
It can turn very destructive or very creative.
These two aspects are the two sides of the same coin: Life Energy.
It is a matter of how we channel it.
The same hand can caress or kill!
The same mouth can kiss or insult!
When couples channel their life energy in harmonious ways, they become lovers. And lovers support the expansion of consciousness, of love.
Lovers are very creative and transformative.
They can extract diamonds of bliss from the raw life force.
This year, I decided to support the diamonds between a man and a woman!
RAJA Lovers Retreat is the setting, the temple, for such support.
Much love and gratitude,

28 November 2023
19:00 to 22:00
Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam
Book Launch & Celebration of Pema Gitama’s new book:
Tantra Vol III, The Path of Awakening
Pema will present her new book in a celebration evening. She will share the sources of inspiration of her book, read some parts of it and sign it. The evening will be filled with Medicine Songs with Styrmir Jósúa Gunnarsson, blissful dance with DJ Dariya Mirjam van Hasselt (5 Rhythms) and meetings with many beautiful friends.
What the book is about:
Tantra, Path of Awakening is a follow-up to Tantra Vol II, The Hidden Mysteries (2017). The author shares the wisdom of various Tantric Masters through the telling of an audacious journey undertaken by a young Tibetan woman named Pema. Her adventures take her and her dear friends into the remotest mountains of Tibet. Here, they encounter Masters of an ancient Tantric lineage who guard hidden sacred sites and teach them secret initiations, healing methods and energy practices which open their perception of reality into totally new dimensions.
This truly unexpected and original story offers profound understandings from a lineage unrevealed until now. It shatters preconceived notions of Tantra and transmits meditation practices and healing methods for those who wish to explore the Path of Tantra.
Illustrations include the outstanding photography by Arjun Roodink, the graceful artwork by Tashi Mannox and the precious drawings by Taki Runa.
The book contains three parts:
– The breath-taking story of Initiations to an ancient secret Tantra lineage
– A guide to Tantric meditation practices and healing methods illustrated with full-page colour photos
– Photographs, artwork and surprises…
17 x 2,8 x 24 cm
480 pages
1100 grams
ISBN 978-2-9545846-6-9
English language
Published by Kaula Heart of All 2023
Read the second part in Tantra Vol II, The Hidden Mysteries (2010)
From the same author:
Tantra Vol I, The Whispering Transmission (2010),
Tantra Sarpá-vid, The Snake Charmer Initiation (2012, Book and CD)
VBT 16, Glory of the Lotus (2014, Book and CD)
Tantra Vol II, The Hidden Mysteries (2017)
Tantra Vol III, The Path of Awakening (November 2023)
Please bring something like a pillow or yoga mat to sit comfortably…

Where is Here & Now?
Weird question isn’t it!
But we cannot fool ourselves too long with intellectual gibberish!
We are honest enough to admit that we know where is the here and now but oddly enough we can’t find it.
How interesting and funny is this!
I guess all the ones that did and do find it are compassionately laughing loud at our ignorance!
Hopefully you can laugh too!
Let’s not make a drama of our situation. Better find the most beautiful way to finally rest into the Here and Now.
I did try many ways coming from various traditions.
I found Tantra to be the most straight forward invitation into the Here and Now.
Tantra invites through sharing crazy wisdom!
It seduces us gently, lovingly, gracefully into the Here and Now
through meditation methods centering us to our closest reality which is our body.
The magic trick here is: the body cannot be in the future neither in the past.
It can only be Here and Now!
If we fully center ourselves into the body we finally land into Here & Now.
New dimensions of reality open up.
Dimensions that are no more ruled by past and future, which means not ruled by mind, by division.
We enter our everlasting presence, our eternal being right there at the center of the Heart!
Tantra has very clear steps! It doesn’t go round with complicated ways. It jumps straight into the essential!
The body is the stepping “stone” for entering the Heart of the Here & Now!
Hmmm… I take your silence as a Yes!!!
Join us this year for some graceful adventures into the Here & Now!
We still have some places available for the Silent Orgasm Retreat starting end of March and two places for our precious Couple retreat in May, and for daring women, we have the Matka retreat in September.
See you soon in the Here & Now!

Don’t lie.
Don’t steal.
Don’t kill.
Ancient Egyptians hoped that after death, they would live for eternity in the Field of the Reeds, the Egyptian’s afterlife paradise. To go there they had to go through a series of test in the underworld. The most important of these tests took place in the hall of judgement before Osiris, God of the death and resurrection. To get to paradise, the person had to stand in front of 42 judges and swear that they had not committed certain sins such as “I didn’t lie, I didn’t steal, I didn’t kill.” After that came the weighing of the heart, where the person’s heart was weighed against the feather of truth and justice. If the heart was heavier than the feather, it would be eaten by a crocodile-headed demon and the person was lost forever. But if the heart and the feather were in balance, the person was declared “true of voice” and the journey to the Field of Reeds could begin.
When I heard this story, I couldn’t sleep a whole night. I was just wondering if I would enter the Field of the Reeds and who would? I quickly came to the conclusion that I would definitely not enter there. I did lie, I did steal and I did kill many mosquitoes.
So who would enter the Field of Reeds?
Who has never lied, never stolen and never killed?
Can you show me this person please?
And this way start a new way of living, creating on this amazing beautiful planet Earth!

What about combining a travel inward and outward?
This is what we offer you in 2023!
We have created two beautiful retreats for you to dive deep within yourself and to immerse yourself into outstanding landscapes! Nature is the greatest teacher and the best one to support us into deep meditation state.
We have two destinations: Costa Rica and Peru
In Costa Rica, we offer a Meditation retreat based on the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.
This retreat is open to everyone. At the moment, we have few places left for men.
In Peru, we finally offer a retreat specially for Couple! A beautiful opportunity for couples to learn new ways to meet on deeper level of love and consciousness.
Read more…
I wish you all well and I wish you all to find the force to awaken!

The Dance of the One is a mysterious play with Duality.
But is it really true? Or is it simply that we have a narrow vision which makes us see only one part of the dance instead of the whole of it?
Deep in love the two reveals as one.
How much we get deceived by the mind faculty to divide depend on how much we identify with all the pieces of the puzzle it presents us!
We know this are just some pieces and that the real picture is to be found somewhere else, deep within us in the Hridaya, the Supreme Heart where Consciousness resides.
Now, how to find this place and how to ground in it?
Meditation is the method to enter the centre of the Supreme Heart.
AHAM Meditation Retreat
After many years of offering The Path of Awakening; a two years process of 7 retreats, I feel I need to offer something more in the line of traditional Tantra Meditation methods. The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (VBT) has always been my source of inspiration and my guide. Now, it is the right moment to devote a retreat only to its methods. This will happen from the 8 to 14 January 2023 in Costa Rica under the name AHAM Meditation Retreat VBT. This is the first retreat of this type and it is the beginning of many more such as AHAM Silent Retreat… For now, we start with AHAM Meditation Retreat VBT!
Join us on this journey to find out what and where is Hridaya, the Supreme Heart!
Read more…

Female/Male Orgasm 1 – 5 June
Kundalini Awakening 8 – 11 September
Arya Ritual 24 – 27 November