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Summer Good News!!

“I have some really good news for you all…”

The first news makes me really happy!
Finally the long awaited russian version of my second book:
“Tantra, The Hidden Mysteries” is available I will presentation it on the 27 July in Moscow.
You can find all the info bellow.
You can already purchase the book on tantrabook.ru.
The English version is available on wildtantra.com.

The second one is a big celebration!
We will be in Russia soon, actually very soon! I have been missing my russian family so much.
It is almost two years we couldn’t be together!
Finally we will be reunited! We will share two retreats: Star Awakening from 28 July to 1 August and the Path of Awakening level1 from 9 to 18 August.

The third news is a new adventure! For the first time we will be in Ukraine! We will offer the Orgasmic Body retreat in Kiev from 2 to 5 September.

And the last news: if you are not that keen to travel to Russia, you can always find us in the Netherlands! We have some few places available in the retreats of the Path of Awakening!


With the wish to share, to learn, to heal, to celebrate with you….



NEW Dates Path of Awakening 2021

Level 1
Orgasmic Body 3 – 6 June
Female/Male Orgasm 8 – 12 September
Kundalini Awakening 4 – 7 November
Arya Ritual 25 – 28 November


Level 2
Inner Sky 10 – 13 June
The Weaver 16 – 19 September
Noor Ritual 1 – 5 December


Info & Registration

New Start 2021…

“This year we are going to do it differently at WildTantra…”

This was the first line of my newsletter for the new year 2021.
I shared some major changes at WildTantra, but I didn’t know there would be one coming up beyond my control!
Due to the whole circus, play, madness, fear… how do you call it again?
Ha! Yes, Covid pandemic! So, due to this weird animal, we needed to postpone the start of the Path of Awakening 2021!
We will start in June, for the summer and hopefully this will be a bright sunny and celebrative time where we can all meet in freedom! We found a legal way to be able to gather even if restrictions are in place.

This new start of our retreats have a good side for the ones of you who couldn’t make it at spring. Now you get a new chance! You can make it for the summer!

We have some warm cosy places left in the first and second year of the Path of Awakening! You’re welcome to join us!


With the wish to share, to learn, to heal, to celebrate with you….



NEW Dates Path of Awakening 2021

Level 1
Orgasmic Body 3 – 6 June
Female/Male Orgasm 8 – 12 September
Kundalini Awakening 4 – 7 November
Arya Ritual 25 – 28 November


Level 2
Inner Sky 10 – 13 June
The Weaver 16 – 19 September
Noor Ritual 1 – 5 December


Info & Registration

Weaving Reality…

In my previous newsletter, I informed you about some changes we made at WildTantra for this year.

One of those changes is about opening up the advanced retreats of the Path of Awakening to people experienced in the field of meditation. Up to now the advanced retreats were open only to participants of The Path of Awakening Level 1 (first year retreats).
Now for you to take the jump into the advanced retreats, you might like to know what it is all about!
The Path of Awakening Level 2 comprises 3 advanced retreats essentially devoted to open up our energy to something much bigger than us! It is about moving from adolescent stage to adulthood.
What does it mean?

Childhood and Adolescent stages:

In our energy evolution we mature from an energy centred on ourselves (childhood stage) to people around us like family and close friends (adolescent stage). Most of us stop at adolescent stage and many do not even reach there.
Those stages are important exploration fields where we learn about our capacity to give and to receive. And if we are lucky enough to be in a loving spiritual family, we also learn to create and to care. Unfortunately, that it not the case for the majority of us!
In childhood stage all those capacities are explored in the realm of the family and once we move to adolescent stage the field expands to friends, lover(s) and to our own children (if we get some). This expansion of sharing energy in those stages entails shadows such as jealousy, possession, greed, anxiety, arrogance, manipulation… These stages are basically very ego-centred. We give-receive and create-care under a lot of conditions! The adolescent stage has also its own rebellion crisis against some values we have been conditioned with in our childhood; a crisis to reclaim individuality; a crisis of ME first!!!
While these stages of expansion of energy are vital for our maturation, they are most of the time not expressed with the understanding of how and what energy is. In our education system no-one teaches us about energy thus not about feeling, sensing, intuiting it. We grow through childhood and adolescent stages missing out one of the most essential understanding of life: We are energy beings and everything and everyone around us is energy! We grow up only busy with the material aspect of life and the believe that this is all there is! From there we get very much off-balance by emphasizing possession, conqueror and competitor drive. Thus, we fight and even kill for what we possess; might it be a car, a house, a wife, a husband, a child… We are so blinded by all our things and the so-call sense of security and safety they give us, that we deny sensing the life energy flowing in all of them. We limit our perception by fear of losing all those things and we gather more things and even create some more! And we stay stuck in that loop which over time becomes very destructive (just observe it in our societies!).

And now, adult stage!

This is where we step in The Path of Awakening Level 2. This stage is about manifesting our energy with harmony, responsibility, service to the whole as a heart-centered individual! We step out of ego-centered stage to heart-centered stage. We learn that our energy is constantly connected to the whole. In adult stage we start to weave our energy with everything there is. For that we also learn to channel our energy with respect for diversity. There is no need of conflict, competition and comparison anymore. We manifest our energy in a way that always benefits peace, freedom within the couple, the family, the community (small and planetary). Our energy become a co-creative vehicle. It interacts creatively, lovingly, consciously with all the energy fields around us – might it be a woman, a man, a child, a bird, a rock, a river, a mountain (just to name a few).

This expansion of energy which might sound not easy, even not possible for some of us, is actually our birth right. The questions you can ask yourself are:

Do you want to grow, or do you want to stay a dreamy teenager or a big baby?
Do you have the longing to be at the maximum of your capacity to live, to love, to create? Do you want to learn who you are and what you are for in this big mystery called creation?
Do you want…. hmmmm actually do you know what you want?

This last question is interesting because actually we don’t really know what we want, yet we have the arrogance that we know. We have so much pretention saying I want love while beating up our wife, children, while killing our neighbors, while cutting down forests, while slaughtering animals… So much contradiction in this adolescent stage!
In the adult stage, we start to know what we want. And let me tell you it is really not what you are thinking about right now!! It needs great purging, cleansing, enquiry to get there! In the advanced retreats, we clear, we heal, we get at the bottom of our teenager arrogant stupidity. We say thank you for all the games we played and stand up straight, open our wings and fly high to get a new vision, perception of life, of our life. From this new point of view, we get to know what we want and what existence wants of us all. We get to know how to weave a reality rooted in love and consciousness.
Now, sit back… Be honest with yourself. Look at your life…

Who are you in this life? A baby, a child, a teenager, an adult?… Please be honest!!

Let’s come together around the fire of truth, of healing, of authenticity.
Let’s burn our pretention, our pride, our lies, our arrogance.
And let’s grow and learn together to weave a reality of love!

With the wish to share, to learn, to heal, to celebrate with you….



Path of Awakening Level 2
Advanced Retreats 2021

Inner Sky 18 – 21 March
The Weaver 10 – 13 June

Noor Ritual 15 – 19 September

Info & Registration

This year we do it different!

This year we are going to do it differently at WildTantra.
It starts with these important changes:


Opening up our advanced retreats to people with experience in Tantra.

The Path of Awakening we offer is a process that covers a two-year cycle. Until now, the second-year retreats were only accessible for people who participated in the first-year program. Somewhere logical but not so fair towards people who are experienced on the path and would like to explore deeper levels. So, now we open the second-year process to the ones who feel ready to dive into the advanced practices. (Places for the second-year are limited, so do not wait too long to register.)


Leveling up the intensity of our retreats.

Though every year I tend to rise the level of all our retreats, next year I will elevate all the retreats to their highest peak of intensity. We don’t have time to play small anymore. I feel we need to shake ourselves from all our deceit, our laziness, our tendency to hope for the better while keeping the worst of us in our dark cosy pockets in case we need it later on. Enough!!
While sharing the methods of WildTantra, I always tried to adjust to everyone’s level of awareness, level of capacity to change, level of understanding, level of processing new information and perception. It made the group process smooth with enough fire to shake everyone but still giving space for hiding.
Now, I change the play! All the retreats will be adjusted to the highest level of awareness, transformation possible. It will not depend on the fact if participants can follow or not.
It will simply be a matter of breaking through the resistance for change. It is going to be confronting and yet very liberating!


20 % reduction on all our retreats for people under 30 years old.

Young people are not always in the best financial situation, so we like to ease their way to our retreats. Also, I feel the younger you start on the path the better! The price reduction is also to encourage young people to step on the path without worrying too much about money issues. I feel it is a bit sad if money holds back young people to explore the path.
We like to support as many young people as possible in their process of awakening and transformation, because they are the generation ahead of us who will manifest changes in this world.


Creating new retreats.

This is not yet in the agenda. It is still being eximined (I don’t know for how long). I am looking to offer some 2 weeks retreats. Intense? Yes!! For the wild ones who would like to be in a setting where there is no escape possible, no returning back to normal!
I will keep you updated!


Support groups.

This is also in process. I feel it is important for people who are or have been in our retreats to get support on the path. I am preparing few of our Team members to hold support groups where some of our main methods can be practiced, where you can share where you are, where you can ask for direction, guidance, where you can meet people on the path from previous years… In short, meetings to keep you high-up!


There is more in preparation, but it would be a bit pre-mature to share.
For now, all the above changes are my contribution to uplifting us into more love, more awareness, more authenticity, more inner power of transformation…

With the wish to share, to learn, to heal, to celebrate with you….


Path of Awakening
Advanced Retreats 2021

Inner Sky 18 – 21 March
The Weaver 10 – 13 June

Noor Ritual 15 – 19 September

Info & Registration

The Play of Light and Heavy…

We mostly describe energy as “negative“ or “positive” or as “light” and “dark”; however in the Andean tradition of the Paqos (medicine men/women) they use other terms, such as namely light and heavy. Those terms carry no judgement such as good or bad. Heavy is simply a dense energy and light is a refined energy. Both aspects are vital and necessary, but they need to be well balanced within us.

A very down-to-earth example:

If you eat too much cheese, your body will get heavy and it will be difficult to move. Cheese is heavy food. If you eat fruits instead, your body will feel light and dynamic. Fruits are light food, which doesn’t mean you have to eat only fruits, but simply find the right balance between heavy and light food.

Now, let’s move to another example:

If you hold anger towards somebody or a situation, this will turn out to be a very heavy energy in your system. In the long run it will create disbalance and impact all your relations and actions.
Here be careful, anger is not to be rated as “bad “or “wrong”, it is just a heavy, dense energy. And too much heavy energy in your system is like carrying kilos of stones in your backpack; it makes the walk to the mountain peak very difficult!! The art is to maintain yourself with enough light energy in order to move lighter towards the peak!

Another interesting aspect:

Heavy energy can be transformed into light energy. When the stomach digests cheese it transforms whatever it can of the heavy energy of the cheese into light energy. The light energy will nourish the body and the heavy energy will move out next time you go to the toilet! Cheese, like anger, hate, greed, jalousie – just to name a few heavy energies – can be digested and transformed into light energy at the condition that you have the power for it! Your body has limited amount of power to digest cheese. There will come a moment its power decreases and it will get sick of the heavy energy of the cheese.
Here the art is to know your inner power that digests, transforms heavy energies into light energies if you don’t want to be sick (physically, psychologically, emotionally…).
I could elaborate a lot on the inner power, but that would be for another newsletter or a book! There is much to share about it. For now, I share a very brief view of heavy and light energies. There is definitely much more into it. I just highlight the non-moralistic and the digesting/transforming aspects of it.

Upon walking the Path of Tantra, which is a lot about transformation,

I feel it is important to enrich it with this Paqos wisdom. I see many people on the path struggling with their so-called negative emotions and energies. It feels like an on-going battle where they do everything to be positive by being against their negative energies. Many call themselves spiritual warriors; fighting for the good against bad. It seems we are still living under old catholic precepts of hell and heaven. But I see only priests in the disguise of spiritual warriors!

It is time to return to the wisdom of nature where heavy is heavy and light is light.

That’s it! Learn the play between the two. That’s it! You don’t need to be a spiritual warrior, a priest, a tantrica or a yogi to find this harmony. Sit down in nature and observe carefully. Open your body, your heart, your whole being. Breath, feel all the energies at play there and learn from them. Do not project on Nature your judgments, preferences… stay calm, centred, observe and understand the play… It is all there without a label of good and bad. To my own point of view, it is through this observation that Tantra was born. I guess many other Paths share this common view, this understanding on transformation and the harmony of energies.
I wish all of us to get back to the essence of Observation instead of judgments and preferences based on religious, spiritual conditioning, ideology… From this Observation we can develop a sense of discernment maintaining the harmony in ourselves, in our communities, in our families…

With the wish to share, to learn, to heal, to celebrate with you….


Info & Registration


ARTWORK: Taki Runa


“Let’s embrace hope.
Singing and dancing
with devotion.
The spirits answer
the call of your drum.
The melodies of the Earth resonate in your heart.
We are the unit
in eternal vibration.”
Taki Runa © Copyright 2020

Inner Medicine Way…

Since many years, I have observed that healing methods are important on the Path of Tantra.

I see many of us confronted with inner obstacles, restricting the energy to rise to a higher realm of consciousness. It can be very frustrating to constantly bang your head on the same wall of pain, of misunderstanding, of deep-rooted convictions working against your evolution… I call this the loop!
You initially progress on the path, you feel finally out of destructive restrictive patterns, and boom, here it comes again! The same loop of emotions, of inner conflicts; a downfall spiral starts sucking you into inner darkness that you thought was gone forever.

How to encounter this downward spiral of our energy in a healthy way?
How to use it to heal, to transform these forces pulling us down into misery over and over again, in spite of all the sincere efforts we do to stay bright and high on the wave of love?

How to be-friend the downward energy spiral, the inner chaos?

Therapy is a no-go for me, so I had to look for something else: Memory…. such a mysterious phenomenon!

This might be why I was pulled to look there; I have always been attracted by Mystery. At the start of my enquiry into the realm of Memory, I didn’t expect it would be such a life- changing journey. I dived into it with a deep intuitive knowing I would find the “key” to remove my obscuration.  I was certain to find answers on how to  keep my energy rising stable, or to heal  anything that pushed me down… How little I knew of what I would find!

I will not elaborate on how and where I found the methods to enter the realm of Memory, but I can at least share some of the treasures I found. As for the methods, if you like to explore and discover them you are warmly invited to join the Inner Medicine Way retreats.

For now, few major jewels from the Memory realm I found:

A complete destruction of everything I thought what love is, what reality is and who I am… That was the first blow and it was hard, really hard! I did resist at first, because I wanted to maintain my structure in order to still feel my stability: a ground to walk on, to speak, act, work…
But the deeper I went into this dimension of Memory, the less I could maintain my point of view. I had to drop it, otherwise I would not have been able to move on. I found myself totally stripped down of all knowing, directions, ideas, concepts… This has been the first master key of Memory:  to make me forget everything!
Only then remembrance took place and with it so much healing happened. The major work in that stage was to encounter painful events with the right remembrance. This took me a long time to learn. While remembering a painful event, what we truly remember? Have you ever pondered on this?… Interesting isn’t it! How to go there without being sucked down into the pain, into the misunderstanding that was created in us out of this event?

I revived so many situations of pain, of misery, of hate, of fight, of basically everything in my life that pulled down the upward spiraling of my energy. Each time, the only thing I had to do was to remember the love I disconnected from  in those moments! What a profound lesson! The forgetfulness of Love is what creates the most profound pain. I might have been beaten up in my past. But the physical pain is nothing compared to the forgetfulness of Love in the moment I got beaten up.

Once my most precious Master in that process told me:

“You are free. You can do whatever you want in this creation.
You can make all the mistakes in the world. But there is a very dangerous one;  to forget Love.
This leads to a darkness that is very difficult to come out of.”


In the land of Memory, I had to learn to remember Love no matter the inner or outer situation.

Years have passed since I first started this process. I did sharpen my remembrance. It is not easy, I must admit.
In every step I encountered so much healing.  Insights and gifts showered over me and yet,  the tendency to fall asleep, to forget was so tempting because of its so-called comfort and security. The road to the land of Memory asks great awareness, sharpness, discipline, stamina, passion but no sleep! And I shall add: a good sense of humour!
When the remembrance of Love becomes stable, another dimension opens in the vast land of Memory.
What are we here for?
What are we here to contribute, to manifest?
And how to do it? The seed of an oak tree knows (remembers) to grow as an oak tree and not as a banana tree. We also  have this inner memory showing us what we are meant to be(come). And for some reason we are not taping into it.  The result?  We try to be a banana tree instead of an oak tree. Maybe this is our way to remember… Our journey is very interesting!


The stage of reclaiming the memory of who we are and what we are here for, made me enter the great Weaving of Existence.

I learned  to recognise the interaction between everything that exists. One of the major lessons: to use duality and polarity without creating division nor separation. Instead,  create harmony. This stage also offers tremendous healing forces and deep confrontation with everything in us that creates separation such as judgments, stuck opinions, self-deceptions and the so-called pretender “I am”!
Once there is stability in this stage,  the Memory of Love opens it magical, overwhelming dimension. Hence, I will keep silent because I am still learning to fly into it. I can only share that finally life makes sense.
It is where I am now in my Memory journey. I am not stating this is the end of the travel. I can sense there is much more to be discovered. But I can see that all the methods that brought me to this point are an immense gift and need to be shared.

It is only this winter while traveling in Peru that suddenly, I felt I was ready to share it all. I was not in a hurry though. My intention was to wait until next year; to take my time to set up a good structured retreat for it.  But the worldly circumstances showing up since some months have accelerated my longing to share this Inner Medicine Way with all of you.

I am grateful we can be together in the Memory of Love.
I am grateful we can all weave our unique tread.
I bow with love and gratitude to your capacity to weave in harmony, creating more beauty at every step of your life.
With the wish to share, to learn, to heal, to celebrate with you….


Inner Medicine Way Retreats

What is the process about:

In our society, words such as “Healing”, “Medicine” have been spoiled, misused to the point we lost the connection with their true meaning.  As a result, we became disconnected from our ability to tap into their power. Finding ourselves confronted with inner obstacles that require the use of that power, we find ourselves helplessly pulled down into destructive patterns.
The word Memory has been reduced to describe the ability of our brain to store information. Most of this information that we are being asked to remember is an unnecessary load of crap, which creates major confusion within us. Healing, Memory and Medicine were once words referring to very sacred dimensions and paths that were supporting to keep each personal evolution in harmony with life, nature, beauty, love…

The Inner Medicine Way retreats revive these ancient ways so we can remember and manifest our creative uniqueness and diversity with Clarity, Respect and Peace.  They enable us to co-create a healthy world in tune with the highest qualities of love and consciousness.

These 2 retreats share the Inner Medicine methods, focusing on healing and transforming patterns that slow down or pull down the ascension of your energy into a state of Clarity. The methods are anchored in the profound understanding of the essence of Memory, such as the natural equilibrium of order and chaos, which keeps your creativity to be at service for the highest expression of life. The methods offer precious practices to support the recognition and removal of all obscuration. They restore your ability to connect your life’s purpose with the one of existence. They support you to generate healthy thoughts, emotions and actions that benefit your evolution towards becoming a mature human being.
These retreats are a mysterious, yet pragmatic way to activate the fibre of Memory in you, for you to walk your life in harmony with the whole.

Here are some of the main topics we explore during these two retreats::

– Understanding of energy’s upward and downward spiral movements
– Ancestral, historical, biological Memory map
– Recognizing inner obscuration
– Unlocking healing forces in us
– Calling out the Elements of Nature to revitalize our own forces
– Finding, activating the Inner Medicine
– Practicing Inner Medicine methods
– Growing up from adolescent to mature adult
– The main negative emotions
– Defying gravity
– Taking responsibility for healing our inner obstacles
– Remembering the Ancestral Memory
– Grounding ourselves in our Inner Direction, Life Purpose
– The power of Prayer and right saying
– Ceremony of the 4 Altars
– The Mandala of the seven directions.
– The Centre of the Centre
– The navel protection and nourishment
– Digesting energies, emotions, memories…

The registration for the Inner Medicine Way retreats:

Inner Medicine part 1
10 – 13 September 2020

Inner Medicine part 2
26 – 29 November 2020

Info & Registration


ARTWORK: Taki Runa


“Pachamama cleaning the world  to plant new seeds in humanity…
The Pachacuti we live announces the return
to our authentic home!”
Taki Runa © Copyright 2020

At the Fire, we sit…

At the Fire, we sit…

At the Fire, we have to sit… and we have been sitting there so many times over the past millennia. Over and over again, we asked for a new direction because we had forgotten ours. Presently, we are facing the same dilemma; confronted with a loss of direction.
At the Fire, we must sit, pray, listen and see the clear vision of our direction. In our prayers, we burn the causes of our blindness, our forgetfulness and we revive the Eagle’s eyes for us to see our inner and outer world from another point of view.
Far high in the Sky of the Heart we are able to observe ourselves and our situation with a fresh view and thus wake up the sleepy Weaver who knows the ways of Creation.
At the Fire, we sit and absorb the Light shining from the Flames of Remembrance for us to revive the meaning, the purpose of our live, and to rekindle our Intention long buried in the mud of confusion.
At the Fire, we sit with patience, with humbleness, with silence, with celebration and so receive ourselves the way we receive a new-born baby. With care, with wonder, with gratitude we hold this innocent creation of Love that we are. We shed tears of Joy over our true faces.
At the Fire, we sit, we learn to speak and to manifest the Truth that has always been within our Hearts but that for so long was shadowed by fear, greed, possessiveness, attachment, jealousy….. by so much confusion.
At the Fire, we rejoice, we dance, we weave the Joy winning over misery, slavery and suffering.
At the Fire, we become Fire elevating itself in the realm of Air where there is no border, no limit to our expansion in Love.
At the Fire, we don’t steal, we don’t lie, we don’t possess, we do not imprison, we do not judge anyone or anything.

At the Fire, we Share… we Share… we Share….

27 March 2020


Surrender and Transformation


Surrender is the state which sets the fire of Transformation…


We just came back from our winter stay in Peru.
2 months living above 3000 meters altitude, starting with the Sacred Valley, moving on to the Lake Titikaka and finally resting in the Cordillera Negra. We have been exploring many Sacred Places as much outside than inside.
To recount the whole journey, it would need much more than a newsletter, but I found something which resumes everything: a pot!

In the Museum of Chavin de Huantar stands this pot.
It was meant to hold the mysterious Wachuma Plant Medicine which the people of the Temple of Chavin where drinking in order to ignite states of alternated consciousness where they could access to the essence of creation and the ancestral memory. When I saw the pot I fell in total awe because it depicts so beautifully the essence of Tantra: Transformation and Surrender. If you observe the pot carefully, you see the man cutting his own head, a total act of surrender. His head is looking upwards, which by the way is physically impossible, but which shows his point of view at the moment of his surrender. He is directed upwards as if when the head would fall it would move upwards and not fall down, which means the whole act is elevating him. It is not a suicide but a peaceful death-rebirth into the realm of consciousness.

His body is the vessel for the Plant Medicine which is his nectar of transformation. In Tantra, it can be encoded without making references to plant medicine. The nectar of transformation filling his body is love, awareness, devotion and his own life energy.

Back home, when I looked at the pictures, I put one upside down in order to see the face of the man.

Do you see the bliss on his face?
That’s it!
It says it all!
It resumes it all!!
Bliss, peace, silence!….. This is what my journey was about in Peru and it is what my steps are on the Path of Tantra.

I could elaborate much more on the different meanings encoded in this master piece, but I like to let you meditate on it!… Just take time to watch this pot and let its wisdom reach you deeply. It really speaks of a state we are all looking for on the Path of Tantra, a state of bliss, peace, unity, completion…

I wish all of us to dare to surrender to the higher state of consciousness in order to transform everything in us into pure gold of bliss, of silence, of unconditional love, for all of us to live a life filled with compassion, creativity, kinship.

With love and gratitude,

An Opportunity for the Men!

Our retreats for 2020 are nearly full, but good news for the men,
there are few places available for you in the precious and mysterious Inner Sky Retreat from 9 to 12 April!
For registration & information: info@wildtantra.com


The Flame remains the Flame…


The Flame Remains the Flame…

Here we are again: One year has passed!
What has passed? What is present? What lies ahead?
“The flame remains the flame…” my Tantra master Leela would say.
The inner flame of love, of consciousness which goes on shining bright within us.
Stable, luminous, wise… Stretching its light in all directions, far in the past, rooted in the present, unmovable in the future.
But are we aware of it? Are we connected to it? Are we manifesting it? Are we sharing it?…
To be honest: rarely, not to say never. This is not a pessimistic statement, just a down to earth realisation. We hide our flame behind many ideas, conditionings, patterns, fears which keep us suffering. We do feel its warm glow, but we are failing to use its quality of transformation. What about giving it our anger, our jealousy, our greed, our ignorance, our attachment, our pride… So, it can be transformed into compassion, generosity, equanimity, humility, wisdom…

Getting the courage to throw ourselves fully into the fire of transformation is what I define as being spiritual.
Everything else seems like beating around the bush with a yoga leggings, reciting a mantra or sutra of which no one understands the meaning, or with some latex outfit assuming it looks spiritually sexy, or with a naked body wrapped in ropes and knots to feel the master of kundalini energy, or dressed in a cloud of DMT smokes running unconsciously on the sand during the burning man festival claiming to be enlightened while being deluded in one more illusion!…

So many games are possible for us to make us feel we do the right thing to know ourselves, while we use those games to avoid ourselves, avoid the flame. We deceive ourselves constantly. There is nothing wrong with the games. They can all be a tool for the final jump into the transformative fire. Then games are over. Then the real work starts. Yes, I know nobody likes work. It has become a dirty word. We preferer entertainment even on the spiritual path. Actually we have made the spiritual path a very creative, entertaining, sexy-fairy-buddha-vegan land where very few are really undertaking the work of transformation.

Please don’t get me wrong in my playful sarcasm. I do not mean bad, or to be judgmental. I just like to support all of us with a good laugh and to be honest, to reflect sincerely on where we are, on what are we doing.

Do you really want to wake up or is it just a nice idea to play with?

That’s it…. Just sitting silently, doing nothing, just letting the question reach you deeply.
Not looking for an answer…
Just silently sitting, doing nothing, not even trying to meditate!
Just silently sitting, doing nothing….
Here it is!
Awake, bright, shining.
Give it all.
Burn all.
And the flame remains the flame.
It has always been there. Just forgotten in the mist of playing too many games.
Now, that you remember your flame,
Let the remembrance be your guide.
Then the work starts…
You burn and transform…
And the flame remains the flame.
This is the most joyful, fulfilling work I know.

I wish you all a loving remembrance.
May this remembrance be at the service of all beings.

With love and gratitude,

The registration for the Path of Awakening is open!

We welcome about 40 people for a one-year to two-year journey to awaken to the fire of transformation.
For information and registration contact: info@wildtantra.com




Walking the Path of Tantra, I am thrown into Mystery all the time.

Each time, I am about to grasp an explanation of energy, of body, of mind, of spirit, a wind instantly pushes the explanation away and the space of Mystery opens.  There is no explanation, there is no concept, there is no system. It is a vast spontaneity unfolding. I can see, I can sense how the whole creation is moving, spreading, but I can’t explain it. I can’t frame it. I can’t give it any structure. It is a very silent communion where I intuitively understand everything and yet, the understanding doesn’t explain anything, doesn’t solve this intriguing question:
how does existence work?
And I am so happy about it! It expands such a Joy into my being!
It is this Joy I share in my work. The rest feels like just a playground for the Joy to unfold. I share many methods, many situations. They are all very precious and valuable tools of awakening, of growing, of healing but sincerely what appears to me the most important is the Joy they open. This is it! This is the real diamond; an innocent Joy beyond time and forms. When I see it shining in the eyes and heart of people, I feel the work is done! I can step back, breath, close my eyes and I know these people will never be lost anymore. They hold the key that can open the door to a very fulfilling creative life… I can sit back, go to rest and smile. The work is done. Now, we can meet into the Mystery with a joyful heart filled with gratitude…


I invite you to enter Mystery by walking the Path of Awakening at WildTantra.

This invitation comes out of an overflow of Joy which I can’t keep for myself. It has to be shared….
Do you like to bath yourself into it?
Do you like to taste it?
You are welcome in our family of wild weavers of love, of joy, of creativity.

For a small taste:
Intro Day 1: 25 November
Intro Day 2: 26 November

For a full bath:
Arya Ritual: 28 Nov – 1 Dec
Third Eye retreat: 4 – 8 Dec

For a full immersion:
Path of Awakening 2020

With much love and gratitude,



“Midnight Colibrí
Visions Celestial
Bringer of Joy, Beauty

May you pollinate our hearts.”

Alice Maxine © Copyright 2019