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Surrender and Transformation

By 4 March 2020 No Comments


Surrender is the state which sets the fire of Transformation…


We just came back from our winter stay in Peru.
2 months living above 3000 meters altitude, starting with the Sacred Valley, moving on to the Lake Titikaka and finally resting in the Cordillera Negra. We have been exploring many Sacred Places as much outside than inside.
To recount the whole journey, it would need much more than a newsletter, but I found something which resumes everything: a pot!

In the Museum of Chavin de Huantar stands this pot.
It was meant to hold the mysterious Wachuma Plant Medicine which the people of the Temple of Chavin where drinking in order to ignite states of alternated consciousness where they could access to the essence of creation and the ancestral memory. When I saw the pot I fell in total awe because it depicts so beautifully the essence of Tantra: Transformation and Surrender. If you observe the pot carefully, you see the man cutting his own head, a total act of surrender. His head is looking upwards, which by the way is physically impossible, but which shows his point of view at the moment of his surrender. He is directed upwards as if when the head would fall it would move upwards and not fall down, which means the whole act is elevating him. It is not a suicide but a peaceful death-rebirth into the realm of consciousness.

His body is the vessel for the Plant Medicine which is his nectar of transformation. In Tantra, it can be encoded without making references to plant medicine. The nectar of transformation filling his body is love, awareness, devotion and his own life energy.

Back home, when I looked at the pictures, I put one upside down in order to see the face of the man.

Do you see the bliss on his face?
That’s it!
It says it all!
It resumes it all!!
Bliss, peace, silence!….. This is what my journey was about in Peru and it is what my steps are on the Path of Tantra.

I could elaborate much more on the different meanings encoded in this master piece, but I like to let you meditate on it!… Just take time to watch this pot and let its wisdom reach you deeply. It really speaks of a state we are all looking for on the Path of Tantra, a state of bliss, peace, unity, completion…

I wish all of us to dare to surrender to the higher state of consciousness in order to transform everything in us into pure gold of bliss, of silence, of unconditional love, for all of us to live a life filled with compassion, creativity, kinship.

With love and gratitude,

An Opportunity for the Men!

Our retreats for 2020 are nearly full, but good news for the men,
there are few places available for you in the precious and mysterious Inner Sky Retreat from 9 to 12 April!
For registration & information: info@wildtantra.com