Template Wild Tantra Responsive Version 2.0
Flash object
- Height en width will be adjusted for screen width.
- Images with class “size-full” will adjust to 100% width.
- Images with class “none” will not be adjusted to width. This class have to be added manually
- Images on page about us will be adjusted to 29% width.
- Every movie (embedded youtube iframe) will automatically adjust to screen width.
- Made responsive so text will flow under input field on small screens
- Newsletter link has now white background because it can placed above header image
- Works now also in Google Chrome.
- A new method of centering the content of the menu. Works for responsive and content independant.
- When submenu content does not fit on 1 line it accepts more lines
- Whitespace needed for scrolling under the submenu adjusts now to the number of lines in submenu.
- On small screens map will be displayed under event location.
- map with will be adjusted for small screens
- Title of product is now smaller because of smaller screens.
- Several adjustements where needed to dislay correctly.
Footer icons
- Icons are now horizontally placed in the middle. This was not the case.
- New method for centering was used.
- Thumbnail images can now float over the page to adjust to smaller screens.
Previous page – next page
- Is now correctly centered. Was not in the middle.
- Form is now always closed from the start. Was always first opened when loading on mobiles.