“Fear is never an option!”


“Fear is never an option!”


WildTantra Family of lovers who love you!!


“My work is to undress everyone lovingly, consciously in order to meet in the pure emptiness of the heart…”

Since 1999, Pema has been reviving the ancient tantric principles of the Kaula, based on practices that raise awareness of our actions and relations in our daily life. She offers these insights to others in different ways: The Kaula Heart of All, a family, which together evolves and creates a life rooted in love and awareness; WildTantra, where she offers retreats based on ancient rituals, initiations, and methods transmuting life energy into the highest form of consciousness and love; Pema Walk in Beauty, books where Pema transmits her Tantric experiences through stories which reveal Tantric wisdom from various lineages.

Her unique way of transmitting Tantra carries within it a great deal of wildness, love, sharpness and an unpredictable sense of humour, all of which add freshness to the intensive retreats which she leads around the globe.

One of her favorite quotes:
“You can always love more…”


After meeting Pema in 2009, he decided to stay with her and make the Kaula his way of life. He took over the practical and legal aspects of the Kaula Heart of All by taking care of the administration and organisation of the retreats and travels, as well as other details needed for the Kaula to function well. In 2011, he joined WildTantra, as a co-teacher and administrator, where he combines practicality and spirituality in one.

His presence is one of silence, simplicity, and clarity. This has unfolded in his life from early age, in the wild nature of the Pyrenees. Mountains, forests and rivers live within him, and he calls them his best teachers. His “nature insights” add a fresh authenticity and directness to the Tantra methods which he shares with a good deal of playfulness and sincerity.

What he says about himself and his work: “To be a the service of love is what Tantra awakens in me all the time. There is no greater gift than surrender to love. In contact with people in the retreats, I open myself to be a vehicle for the healing force of love. I let it act through me. I never know what is going to happen. I just see that it is happening. It is magical, mysterious, blissful…”

One of his favorite quotes:
“I don’t know nothing… and it feels good!”





As a photographer for Pema’s first book, he entered the Kaula in 2010. Since then, he has stayed and involved himself intensely in the organisation and administration of the Kaula Heart of All and WildTantra. In 2011, he became a co-teacher at WildTantra, where he shares his knowledge and experience in energy work, yoga, and human relating.

His background in social anthropology provides him with deep understanding of diverse mindsets, enabling him to communicate in a clear, friendly way that resolves all kinds of misunderstandings and conflicts. His skills in photography confer him deep patience in observing and acting timely with the energy required in the moment.

One of his favorite quotes:
“Heart, heart heart…”





The magician came brightly in the team in 2018 after refining his magical skill for 3 years in nearly all of the WildTantra retreats. His play with energy and body is as precise as surgery and as transformative as magic. Restoring harmony, peace, aliveness is what he shares through his touch, words and his silent presence.

One of his favorite quotes:
“The view is fascinating if you look with an open mind…”

Team Member



The shapeshifter appeared in various forms for 6 years in most of the WildTantra and Kaula retreats before shifting himself into a WildTantra team member in 2018. . His capacity to encounter any kind of situation with stability prepares him for the impossible and the unknown. His energy is a blend of charming father figure, devoted hard worker and joyful seducing beach boy. Discretely and silently he intoxicates everyone with this unconventional colorful energy cocktail, providing  grounding, safety, aliveness and sensuality.

One of his favorite quotes:
“In silence we meet…”

Team Member




The elf has landed magically in the family in 2008. Her background in children care is a must of simplicity, innocence – helping everyone to return to the present moment. Definitely a wild tantrica who carries in her heart and body the spirit of nature as her only Master. Through her dance, song and sally smoke she can seduce everybody into sensual relaxation and playfulness in no time!

One of her favorite quotes:
“and life is beautiful this way…”


Team Member



The mountain priestess rooted her power in the team in 2018 after 3 years walking her steps in most of the WildTantra retreats. Like a mountain, she is firmly grounded on earth and at her peak she kisses the sky and the stars. It confers her to reach the body and its very subtle etheric energy at the same time. Her touch allows you to experience the paradox of being the body and the “no-body”.

One of her favorite quotes:
“It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out; it is the pebble in your shoe…”

Team Member



The chef is our beloved cook during the retreats in the Netherlands as well as a Tantrica since 2005. He has followed all the Tantra retreats we offer to finally make the kitchen his own tantric temple. While you are in the group room nourishing yourself and others with love, he is the one taking care of your body in a special way: steaming courgette, roasting tofu and more. All with great care and magic spells to nourish your senses with new flavors and your body with new energy. When he is not in the kitchen you will find him on special occasions, with his Mantra band in the group room singing, playing guitar, sitar for you to celebrate, dance or to move deep into the silence of your meditation.

One of his favorite quotes:
“To cook is to practice love…”


Cook, Musician




The seducer has found his place in the team in 2016 after 5 years journey in most of the WildTantra retreats where he has shown his total devotion to the Path. His dedication to Tantra wisdom is imperturbable and very contagious to everyone falling in his energy field. One of his most precious qualities is his ability to connect and transmit female energy through a special touch that only him knows about.  This awakens in women and men a delicate receptive dimension where life force can be felt as a mystery Goddess.

One of his favorite quotes:
“One of the mysteries of life is that we don’t have to learn something, we already know and we only have to open up to Remembrance…”

Team Member



The enchantress is assisting in the family since 2005  already where she has become a well-known warm tantrica. Her background as a Trainer in Emotional Bodywork gives her precious abilities to deal with body and emotional structures. As a professional masseur and breath-work therapist, she knows exactly how to seduce you into letting go, enjoying your energy with great simplicity and sensual sweetness.

One of her favorite quotes:
“Be simple, open and easy…”

Team Member




The devotee is our organizer, administrator. From behind her laptop, she is the one welcoming you and arranging about everything for you on a practical level to ease your venue to the retreat’s place. In the group room, she reveals another dimension of her by transmitting a loving sensual energy to soften or activate your body-energy. As a professional coach in intimacy and long time tantrica, she has enough tools in her heart and body to lift you up into realms of ecstasy!

One of her favorite quotes:
“Laugh, love…and die”

Organizer for the Netherlands
