That it will make you happy forever?
I have to admit that I was one of them!
About 25 years ago, I struggled with experiencing orgasm.
I decided to step into the path of sexual de-conditioning,
de-armouring of my genitals and body so I would be happy ever after! It was an amazing journey. And finally, I did reach the orgasms I was looking for. What a joy!!
And yet, I was still fighting with my boy-friend, I was still jealous, and I was still a bitch!
The fact that I was able to reach orgasm didn’t solve anything!
For sure, it made me feel more relaxed and happy for a while, but the demons would come back very quickly!
So what was going wrong? Was it me? Was it the orgasm?
Is orgasm insignificant or is there really something valuable in it?
I decided to dive much deeper into the phenomenon of orgasm to understand what it is truly about. This is certainly the most profound and interesting road I ever took! At first, I observed that at the moment of orgasm there is a black out, the same one we have in deep sleep. We are gone somewhere but we have no idea where we have been. The only thing we notice is that when we come back, we feel rejuvenated and we feel extremely good and clear. When I started to notice the black out, I took the challenge to stay awake at the moment of orgasm. It took a while and lots of experiments. But I did succeed, and I made some major discovery: Orgasm is not only a physical phenomenon of high pleasure but a vibration which aligns to the frequency of consciousness.
The core frequency of orgasm is consciousness. Like the core of deep meditative state is consciousness. From there everything changed in my approach to sex, to orgasm. The pleasure of orgasm became secondary, like in the background, while the space of consciousness became first priority for me to dive into.
Now, while building up orgasm, I know I build up energy to raise myself to the frequency of consciousness. When Orgasm happens, I am at the peak of consciousness and not only at a peak of pleasure.
I learn to maintain myself in that frequency long after the orgasm has left my body. I practice staying in that frequency in my daily life, in my actions, in my relationship. And now, orgasm is truly a source of transformation, a deep meditative state, a place where I get to know myself.
Sex, orgasm, lovemaking in the Tantric scene is very much commercialized because sex sells. I do not want to promote this.
I do not want to sell sex for Tantra.
Sex is fun, it is beautiful, but it is far from Tantra.
And it took me long time to get it!! Only when I finally reached the centre of orgasm, I did understand what Tantra refers to when it speaks about non-sexual lovemaking. In order to reach the frequency of consciousness, vibrating at the centre of orgasm, one needs to let go of sexuality, otherwise you stay stuck in the nice, juicy side of sex. You never enter the temple. You stay outside enjoying the beauty of the temple without encountering the divine dwelling in it. And this divine is you in a high state of consciousness.
At WildTantra, we offer a few retreats to open up your body, your sex, your perception, your watcher to orgasm. Hopefully after reading the text above, it will become more clear what we are offering. Yes, you will discover how to build up orgasm, how to make your body vibrant with energy. Yes, it will definitely make your sexual life better. It is important you have a fulfilling sexual life, so we support you there. And we take a next step – the most important one – which is to have a conscious life.
– Get in touch with your energy
In the Silent Orgasm Retreat:
– Awaken the watcher
– Circulate your energy
– Clarify your intention
– Dive at the centre of orgasm to plug into the frequency of consciousness
– Letting go of the sense of separation
– Maintain yourself into high peak of consciousness in daily life
There are steps in between and there are steps which overlap. And it is not all so logical, which keeps a spark of spontaneity in the journey!
And the best is to explore it for yourself:
Some places for women & men:
Female/Male Orgasm: 5 – 9 June
Some places for men:
Silent Orgasm: 13 – 16 June
With love and a joyful prayer of gratitude,

Here you see the most clear “Chladni sound figures”.
Single frequencies are absolute pure sounds without overtones like they appear at music or voices.
I use different sizesof water bowls so it might happen that a similar figure occurs at different frequencies. It is the combination of the size of the water-bowl the amount of water and the amplitude of the frequency which make the images occur on the surface of the water…”
Micheal Memminger © Copyright 2019